Khao Elnak Ideas

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+20% Improve Relations
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Dauloph ConnectionsAfter the lord of Khao Elnak was slain in the battle of Lektomai in 1441, his distant cousin was chosen to lead the country. The daughter of a Lot Dekkhangi dauloph, Mya Setae was chosen not just for her local diplomatic renown but also for connections to the mercenary state, connections that proved vital for the defence of Khao Elnak.
-10% Mercenary Cost

The Sikai PurebredSought after across all Haless, the Sikai purebred was first fostered here, in the pastures of Khao Elnak. Fast and strong, the Sikai horses make for ideal beasts of war, able to carry our troops across the vast stretches of Thidinkai normally traversed on foot. Legend has it the purebreds were first born of the union between mortal horses and the Sky Runners, when they descended for a single moonless night to bless the Kai with swift steeds.
+20% Movement Speed

The Red MaresRenowned for her diplomatic skill that allowed her to maintain a tentative balance between the warlike Xia and the collapsing Baihon Xinh, Mya Saetae navigated her position principally through the creation of the Red Mares. Recruited from the courtly women of Khao Elnak, the diplomatic corp was lauded in the region for it’s courtly graces and brutally efficient allure.
+1 Diplomats
+30% Female Advisor Chance

The Sky RunnersAn excerpt from the works of Xian poet Basho, who reportedly sighted the Sky Runners on his famed journey from Sarisung to Arawkelin.\n\nOver the night clouds\nHerds of sky horses muster\nAuroral and red.\n\nThe ethereal beauty of these spirits was recorded for all to see on Khao Elnak’s banners, and their rare appearance fills the hearts of her people with joy.
-2 National Unrest

The Princes ReturnFor the longest time, the lands of the Sikai were seen as barren backwaters, home to peasant lords and warring tribes. As such, any Sikai merchant that made even a small fortune saw themselves lucky to escape from the lands and seek even greater fortunes elsewhere. With Khao Elnak’s rise to prominence, the merchant prince diaspora returned, bringing with them vast trade webs in foreign lands.
+1 Merchants

The Red KnivesAs the Khao Elnak grew more influential in the region, her diplomatic stance changed from appeasing her neighbours in attempts at peace to supporting her own power base. To that end, a secret branch of the Red Mares was formed. Nicknamed "the Red Knives", these women were expert infiltrators and, when called for, assassins. Their ruthlessness was matched only by the deception of the smiling faces that hid it.
+10% Spy Network Construction

Thoroughbred HorseracesAs the methods of horse breeding became far more effective in the eighteenth century, there was a sudden surplus of swift, high quality Sikai purebreds not needed by the military. Within Khao Elnak a culture of horse racing emerged, with many of the richest princes buying vast numbers of horses for their experimental breeding programs. Thus a new strain of horses emerged, the Sikai thoroughbred, while lighter than their original warhorse cousins, the thoroughbreds were incredibly swift, their lineage desired across the continent.
+25% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

-1% Prestige Decay