Lo Ngoen Ideas

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+15% Land Force Limit Modifier
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Silver ShieldsThe legendary Silver Shields of Lo Ngoen, renowned for their unbreakable spirit and gleaming armour. Armed with shield and spear, they have never broken ranks, or retreated in the face of overwhelming power. They have always formed the vanguard of our armed forces. They are the silver wall that allows our armies to succeed against impossible opposition.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Trade with the DwarvesThe mighty Dwarves like to sit in their deep holds and only rarely come out to meet us; as such, we have learned to get the most out of every exchange with the dwarves. Nowadays they have only come out of their dear homes to trade, but lately they seem to trade their valuables exclusively for necessities and we are their first stop on the great Teleni trade route. It’s time to turn the tables on our ancient overlords and gently squeeze out everything they mine and craft. This time for our profit.
+20% Caravan Power

Silver HillsLong has our nation been known for our near-mythical Silver Shields, but the hills that clad them should also receive some praise. The great silver mines of Phungeon are said to go as deep as any dwarven hold. And like dwarven holds, the mines shall last. For aeons past the plentiful hills have given us silver and for aeons to come they shall continue to do so. The decades have taught us much and we have mastered trading in silver.
-20% Monthly Gold Inflation Multiplier

Xia RefugeesIn the wars of the late 15th century AA, The Xia were conquered by the hobgoblin menace from the North. Many of the Masters fled, their heads hanging low after their disgraceful defeat under The Command. The bulk of them came to be our burden. But it was a blessing in disguise as more citizens meant more soldiers, and these soldiers couldn’t care less about crowns so long as they would have the chance to get their revenge "for the fatherland". Even though our allegiances lie elsewhere, we are glad to help a soldier in need...
-10% Infantry Cost

Druids of PhudbanSpirits both torture and bless Haless, being ever present in our lives. Thankfully, the Druidic Circle of Phudban has ensured for ages that the spirits in our nation are only here for our benefit. Every year they guide these spirits to make our harvest bountiful so that our people stay well-fed and at work.
+10% Production Efficiency

Battle of PhungoenAs the Great Command ravaged Xianjie in the mid-15th century, we started to establish border patrols under Thirabnir's supervision, as many anticipated a possible incursion, if not a complete spillover, of these monstrous forces. \nIn the year 1457, a rogue battalion of hobgoblins attacked the vicinity of the silver hills of Phungoen, seeking to cut enemy supply lines. They plundered nearby hamlets and plunged through our defences towards the mines themselves. Our lieutenant, Phichai Thum, lost his life while trying to defend the last few hamlets, leaving his soldiers leaderless and fragile. It was the young and brave Choi Dap Hak, a man just above the rank of a recruit, who rose above his duties and assumed command. \nHe led a decisive sortie to drive away the hobgoblins, surprising his overconfident enemies and annihilating them at the gates of the mine. No other attacks have been made on the mines since, but the battle nevertheless left a lasting legacy that still lingers in a Lo Ngoen proverb:\n\n"Leadership is not a thing born with privilege. It is a virtue of fearlessness and empathy."
-15% General Cost

Artificial SilverIn the start of the 18th century our ‘bottomless’ Silver Hills were starting to run dry and we finally saw the first glimpse of the dreaded bottom. Silver loads from the deep underground became scarcer and poorer, until a group of gnomish inventors came to Lo Ngoen looking for jobs and were discreetly asked for new mining equipment. They came up with a new damestear powered diamond-tipped drill that cut through the hard bedrock granite only to reveal larger deposits of silver than what we have ever seen before. Henceforth, the gnomes have been a valued and respected minority of Lo Ngoen.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+1 Military Free Policies