Jilin Ideas

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-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
+10% National Tax Modifier

Langzi DisciplesThe origin of Jilin is certainly a fascinating one, preserved better than almost any other Xiaken's. Our founder, Langzi, single-handedly demolished the castle of an oppressive lord, after the former argued on behalf of the impoverished farmers whose taxes were too draining. From the ruins of this castle, the local villagers, grateful to the famed hero for their deliverance, built a great tower, which would later serve as a school for Langzi's students.\n\nHere, students learned to use their chi to set their weapons alight, and even generate combustion reactions from the tips of their blades. While perhaps not the equals of Langzi in demolishing a stone keep, the continuing line of disciples is nonetheless a potent one, able to break through crude fortifications with ease.
+10% Siege Ability

Web of Xianjie TradeFor the Xiaken, many prefer isolation from outside affairs and prefer to stay in their own realm to practice their martial prowess. Jilin exploits this desire of isolation, and promotes an 'inner web' of the Xianjie where the monks make exclusive trade deals with eachother while discouraging foreign imports of any kind. 'All this,' say the merchants of Jilin, 'to strengthen the Xianjie.'
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Promotion of a United FrontThe monks of Jilin believe the best way to defend the Xianjie is with a strong alliance system and a strong leader guiding the unruly group, and their diplomats reflect that ambition with their ability to influence other nations to support Jilin's idea of a united Xianjie. Any who attempt to resist unification, however, end up with an army of blazing spears at their doors.
+20% Improve Relations
-10% Unjustified Demands

SzienlouThe tower, whose name translates to 'Tower of Heaven', was constructed and built by the founder Langzi and his disciples, meant to be the central hub of the village. The imposing tower's shape resembles the same spear used by Langzi himself, and it is where many of the monks administer the laws of the nation. No matter where one is in Jilin, the Szienlou can be seen towering above the trees.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Hulong Incendiary ScrollsWhile Jilin isn't known for academics, the monks of Jilin are renowned for a particularly notable treatise, the Hulong Incendiary Scrolls. These scrolls were revolutionary for combat in the Xianjie, being manuals on experimentations with martial arts and items used for combat. Some of the items were explosive remote bombs, fireworks, early prototypes of land mines, and paper bombs, and the scrolls discussed ways of fusing these inventions with martial technique to create a new style of combat. These scrolls eventually helped pave the way for the common sight of monks wielding firearms, especially as new invaders from east and west threatened the independence of the region.
+8% Land Fire Damage
+25% Innovativeness Gain

Neza Literacy ReformsNeza 'the Generous' was one of the most notable righteous masters of the Jilin who, instead of focusing on the nation's military sector like his predecessors, gave careful scrutiny to the state's internal affairs. The low literacy rate and lack of education access had been problems neglected by the country for decades, and so he directed funds into educational reforms, public libraries, and improving schools for the populace. Neza is remembered in the Xianjie as an enlightened master not on the basis of physical strength, but on his heroic deeds in the name of justice.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

Xiji DragonsA devastating Jilin skill perfected after centuries of experimentation and training, where the monks use the tip of their spears to spew a long concentrated burst of fire, similar to a dragon's breath. Unlike other devices which spew forth flame, the warriors using these could draw upon their chi to expand the fire's direction with their martial art, and even create multiple streams of fire to burn their opponents to ashes.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

+10% Artillery Combat Ability