Kheteratan Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+15% Production Efficiency

Kheteratan MonumentalismLong have the rulers of Kheterata, the Khetarchs or their anointed Kings, ordered the construction of great monuments and wonders. From great statues, to temples, palaces, and tombs, the people of the Mother’s Sorrow have a history of creating great works. This has created a storied history and wealth of knowledge to draw upon for future projects and lesser works that the average Kheteratan may be able to appreciate more, such as bridges, plazas and roads. Even then, many rulers temporal and spiritual dedicate these works to themselves or Elikhet in his various incarnations. This also, however, lets us reuse materials when certain patrons of these works fall out of favour for one reason or another.
-10% Construction Cost
-15% Great Project Upgrade Cost

Chosen of the KhetThe people of Kheterata have long been the chosen of the Khet, the race of divine beings which reside upon the Mother’s Sorrow. Long have the Khet ruled Kheterata, through chosen individuals who are appointed as the temporal kings of the land, while the Khet and their leader, the Khetarch, see to the spiritual needs of Kheterata upon their barges and within their palaces. Thus it is seen that those who are to rule in their stead are the most skilled and capable, so that the Khetarch’s trust is not misplaced in those he anoints as the chosen king.
+0.05 Monthly Mandate
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Bounty of the SorrowThe Mother’s Sorrow is the lifeblood of Kheterata, stretching from the highlands of Horashesh and the Lake Nirakhet. Its seasonal floods bring rich bounty to the fields in silt and sediment, and with the aid of a little magic in the occasional blessing of the Khet, creates the greatest breadbasket the world has ever known. Hunger is often far from the minds of the average farmer, and thus all they support. Grain, vegetables, flax - all are produced in great abundance and lead to a wealth unheard of for the lower class in other realms. Truly, it is a sign of the benevolence of the Khet and Elikhet’s promise to his chosen people.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

The AhatiThe traditional warrior caste of Kheterata, with similarities to the Cannorian Knight, the Ahati Brotherhoods have known many forms throughout the ages. With conflicting origin stories stemming from around 700 BA, the Ahati have long been at the front of forward thinking, in particular challenging the traditional role of the priesthood in the governing of the land. Whilst still loyal to the Khet, they see the excess and grandeur of the priesthood as unnecessary and a misuse of their authority. Strong supporters of Aakhet due to a secret prophecy that the brotherhoods had kept for centuries, after his death and the arrival of the Crodamos dynasty and the introduction of a true "noble" class, they had doubled down on their belief of being champions of the common folk, making them well beloved by those they have sworn to protect, and recruit from.
+10% Morale of Armies

Crodamic CamelryThe Crodamics were originally a Rohibonic people of Cannor, known for their mastery of horse and hoof and brought with them their mighty steeds when they had crossed the Divenhal. When the Crodamics moved from Akasik to Kheterata, they found their horses unsuited for the soft desert sands and intense heat of their new home. Instead, they adopted the local’s traditions of camelry, or "camel cavalry." Transferring their extensive knowledge and tradition of riding on horseback to this new medium, making use of lances derived from the ones their ancestors once used on the plains of Cannor, the Crodamic Camelry are a strong noble class of camel-riding warriors, who often challenge the Ahati brotherhoods for military dominance.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Riches of SarhalMighty Kheterata, Opulent Kheterata, an empire which has dominated Sarhal for centuries. stretching from the mouth of the Mother’s Sorrow and the Divenhal, up the cataracts of the great river to the savanna of Irmashap and the highlands of Horashesh, who’s influence has stretched to reach the farthest reaches of the lands of Sarhal. It should therefore be no surprise that the Mother’s Sorrow is a river highway, drawing forth all trade along its tributaries and beyond to the heartland, which also draws in trade from the coast and the realms of Akasik, Bulwar, and Cannor.
+20% Caravan Power
+5% Trade Power Abroad

Kheterata, EternalKheterata has been conquered time and time again. From gnollish slavers to Damerians from across the Divenhal, and the Phoenix Empire of Jexis Jaherzuir. Regardless of this, however, Kheterata has remained largely unchanged. All of these invaders were forced to submit to the authority of the reigning Khetarch, or be destroyed by the divine protectors of Kheterata and expelled from their conquests. In times when they refused and the Khetarchs themselves could not be moved to act and unleash unnecessary suffering upon their people, Elikhet himself would rise from the grave to effortlessly excise the stain, ruling for a time to set things right, before returning to his slumber. In the case of the House of Crodamos, they would themselves become Kheteratan in their own right, a dynasty that has lasted nigh on a thousand years, and may last a thousand more!
-25% Stability Cost Modifier

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change