Ibekisedaran Ideas

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+10% Global Trade Power
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Pass of Two RangesThe great mountains of the Dezpa and Pakreda shield the Prosperous Ones from the violent Dakinshi in all but one spot. Fettigeban is the safest path between Dakinshiland and the Yeteferen kingdoms, making it an important path for both trade and conquest. Many Dakinshi armies, both of the Warlords who currently ravage that land and the Great Kings of old have shattered upon our fortresses here. No army has ever breached the walls of tall Mengamsipe, the castle-town of the pass, and as long as we keep watch so shall it ever be!
+15% Fort Defence

Serve the Lord BelowIn the lushest valley south of the Yet river, far below the loftily settled people of Ibekisedara’s countryside lies Meworetiketema, the seat of The Lord Below, whose ancestors received the blessing of Ardimya-That-Was to hold a fertile land where other lords scraped grain off the mountainsides. With this power of food, the Lords of Meworetiketema subjugated the neighbouring Yeteferen and Sitewosi tribes and established a powerful hold over their hills and jungles. The tales of the Lord Below, whom we name "Getametaki", and his huge city are sung joyfully across the dales, thus respect for the Lord goes deep and even the most remote settlements are quick to fall in line with his orders.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
-10% Harsh Treatment Cost

Masters of Many TonguesThe Ibekisedaran populace includes a significant amount of Dakinshi, in difference to most Yeteferen states the majority of these are not slaves, but considered largely the same as any other rural subjects. Additionally many Sitewosi tribes inhabited our valleys when they were settled, they have since been lifted above their old tribal ways and though they maintain some of their foreign culture they serve as integrated subjects of Gettametaki. As a result of this both the upper and lower classes of Ibekisedara have a tradition of speaking more than one language, giving us an edge in diplomacy despite our normally distrustful attitude toward our tribal neighbours.
+15% Improve Relations

Korebitamipi SettlementsThe far–spread villages of our agrarian populace are known as "Korebitamipi". These are small settlements with buildings skillfully made from enduring and wily wood, surrounded by high wooden palisades. They spring up around rich grassy fields, fertile earth, strong forests, and the abundant but deposits of copper found among our hills and dales. A korebitamipi is not entirely permanent, the settlement will remain in one place exploiting available resources until drought, war, depletion, or other calamity causes them to move to greener pastures for their sheep to graze. Though the settlement will generally not move far from its previous location, korebitamipi can move wide distances over time.
-10% Construction Cost

Mountain RigourThe armies of Ibekisedara are focused on discipline since we know a well-coordinated and well-trained army is the key to protecting the Yeteferen from the tribal warfare of the Sitewosi and the wild assaults of the Dakinshi. Korebitamipi settlements are guarded by their residents and keep in contact with each other for aid in case of attack. Warriors therefore often fight at different settlements and good communication and the ability to work in coordination with other warriors are more highly valued than individual prowess. Warriors possessing these traits often become known for defending their neighbouring villages. The greatest acknowledgement they can receive is to be called to Meworetiketema by Getametaki who bestows honour upon the warrior and their family by accepting them as a part of his royal army.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Copper PeopleOnce the people of Ibekisedara were identifiable among other Yeteferen due to wearing more copper than their kin, as Ibekisedara was once the owner of the only copper mines in Yeteferen. This, along with their traders being known as the only secure source of copper in all of Mengi did earn them the nickname "Medbumast" meaning copper people. An old and ragged name, the mines depleted long ago and in vain we have searched the mountains for a secure new source. Despite this, our knowledge of metalworking endures and we continuously find smaller deposits of copper which the korebitamipi exploit and refine even to this day. In this way, most copper still passes through our land on its way to the river Yet’s trade routes, be it from our small village sources or in sporadic caravans from the vast mines of war-torn Dakinshiland to the south.
+5% Production Efficiency
+5% Trade Efficiency

The Life-Watching EagleAfter the unification of the Dakinshi under the Death Bringing Cobra Tribe, dissidents against the rule of the Cobra and the Venomrisker dynasty would often end up in Ibekisedara. These dissidents eventually formed the Life Watching Eagle Tribe and vowed to protect any who suffer from the Cobra’s tyranny. After 1240 immigration from Dakinshi intensified due to the collapse of Dakinshi society, refugees would make the dangerous trek through the pass in hopes of reaching a peaceful life in Ibekisedara, the Life Watching Eagle Tribe aided the refugees on their journey and helped them settle. An unintegrated part of the army, the Eagle Tribe focuses on medical pursuits and swift defensive manoeuvres to counteract their hated Cobra foes.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

+5% Discipline