Inshibonde Ideas

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+15% National Tax Modifier
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Seat of TyrantsInshibonde was one of the great cities of Bwa Dakinshi, rivaling cities like Kaziradoka or the capital Jiwenjaalo-bo in a race to be the greatest in size and prestige. \nYet, unlike many of those, Inshibonde did not fall to ruin during the warlord era. \n\nOne of the first cities to break away, it rapidly became repurposed as a fortress city, its position at the fork of Kazira making it a strategically vital place for anyone wanting to establish full control over the river.\nIts primacy in the rebellion and placement in the relative middle of the country also served as a natural gathering point for many of the poorer citizens of Bwa Dakinshi agitated by the negligence of their overlords, which resulted in cycles of unrest inevitably crushed by some of the most ruthless and tyrannical warlords of the period.
-5 Years of Separatism

Ravagers of the KaziraUnfortunately for Inshibonde, the fall of the unified Bamaliwuni state caused a collapse of its prosperous trade routes. For a city that relied mostly on them to create value, it meant even more than anywhere else, that they had to rely on raiding the countryside to retain their influential position. \nFrom time to time, these raids culminated in a series of conquests down the Kazira, and while their initial successes were always substantial, they always ended in defeat, quickly attracting overwhelming resistance and being forced to back down to their citadel, left only with those spoils they had managed to stack up.
+20% Available Loot
+50% Looting Speed

The Poor and The StrongThe reality of a warlord society is ruthless. Competitors are plenty and the resources scarce and centered in few places. Those who are not strong enough find themselves working for the sole benefit of their local warlords, while those who dare try to fight the existing hierarchy, duel their way into the higher position amongst the Munitaragomo to hopefully reach the top of the hierarchy as the Vitaragomo of the warband.\nWhile this means that only competent fighters advance to the top, this also adds to the instability of the region, as warlords incessantly rebel against their former overlords.
-15% General Cost

Unfiltered MockeryIt isn’t really a secret that warlords largely despise each other. The net of personal grudges between the Vitaragomo has been dense for years with few ends unconnected, effectively stymying any attempt at diplomacy that is not a simple demand for capitulation. \nSo far goes this devotion to not liking each other that some animosities are now built artificially, by a peculiar custom that emerged something over hundred years ago. \n\nThe lesser warlords sit down with the Vitaragomo near a large table. Some of them see paper for the first time in their lives, as they hear the name of the warlord that is the topic of the meeting. For the following six hours, the meeting will proceed as its members write out a series of convoluted and obscene insults towards a certain warlord; this is then sent to the victim, who upon delivery must read it aloud to the laughter of his subjects, risking great shame if he doesn’t.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Freshly Made Beans and WeaponsThe demand for iron for weapons and luxuries for the rich never runs out. \nDespite the poor state of the economy and the dangers that the region’s trade routes bear, there are still traders brave and insane enough to traverse the lands of Bamaliwuni, looking to secure its riches and carry them to the port cities. The upside is worth it though, as those who manage to make the trip find themselves richer than most Dakinshi, able to afford a lavish lifestyle for the rest of their lives just with a few ventures.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
+50% Trade Range

War DruidsPreviously serving as the spiritual leaders of the Dakinshi society, the druids of the Beast Memory serve as the reminders of once broken link between humans and animals. Brought up from those magically gifted across the land, they organize themselves at the natural meeting points of animal herds, protecting these vital positions against any interference that would disrupt the natural order. \n\nWhile typically peaceful in their behavior, the times of strife have proven dangerous enough to change some of the druids' stance to a more offensive one, joining the many warlords of the land in a proactive effort to keep out everyone who does not care about the environment.
+5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
+5% Shock Damage

Dreams of a Reborn EmpireAcross the land, there is a common impetus driving every warlord’s mind. A desire to win, to squash one’s opponents under their feet, best them in battle, lay upon their corpses and dance on their graves. The dream of an empire that toppled not so long ago as to be forgotten, but long enough to be romanticised through second-hand nostalgia. The ambition to become something bigger, to be remembered, to be unlike the others. To make oneself known, feared, respected and acknowledged as the single, true unifier to the empire they forged with blood, sweat and tears. This will be the ultimate price of the new Bwa Dakinshi.
+1 Yearly Prestige

+1 Leader Siege