Amtarim Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Noble StripeThe Progenitor of our line, Vasumtir of Amtarim, was unlike many of the vain warlords who rose after the fall of the first Harimraj. Like his distant scion Vinas III, he was noble, wise - and most importantly, virile. Blessed with many, many children, Vasumtir was not one for war, but spent his days in his palace in Amtarim forging alliances and trade pact with all around him, cementing these deals with strategic marriages. Through these maneuverings our power over the Mouth of the Kharunyana was consolidated, and the fame of the Noble Stripe spread far and wide.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Scions of the First StripeThe policy of marriage that made our family great continued after Vasumtir’s time, and the Noble Stripe intermarried across Rahen. By the time of the second Harimraj, over half the nobility of Rahen had our blood in their veins, and we can count the illustrious houses of the White Stripe, Golden Stripe, Imperious Stripe and the Iron Stipe as our progeny, the Scions of the First Stripe. Though these houses are masters of their own fate, their legacy is our legacy, cemented through the bonds of blood and kinship.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+50% Chance of New Heir
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

We Built The CityAt the place where the Rocks on the Sand meet the rolling river tide, the Noble Stripe built the greatest city in the world - Sramaya. The greatest project of our house, its glory and opulence are unmatched the world over, eclipsing Dhenijansar, Sarisung, and even Tianlou. Its wealth secured our position as Senapti in the second Harimraj, and its loss in the great revolt precipitated our fall from grace.\n\nIn those heady days before its loss, all knew that whilst our head was in Amtarim, our hearts resided in Sramaya, city of many names: Child of the Twin Rivers, The Harbor of the Bay, the Gate of Rahen, Pearl of the Kharunyana, Custodian of the Great River. \n\nBut to us it was and is known by one name. \n\nHome.
-10% Development Cost

The Custodian of the Great RiverAlthough the Kharunyana flows through many nations, it is the great city of Sramaya that has, since its founding, controlled its mouth. With its stranglehold on the river which makes up the very lifeblood of Rahen, it, and the cities sworn to it became some of the richest in the world, with massive amounts of currency, silks, porcelain, and ivory flowing through them every single day.
+15% Global Trade Power

The Sarhaly Slave TradeFollowing depopulations in the 1100s, the Gulf States of Rahen turned to East Sarhal to mitigate their dearth of workers by tapping into the trans-salahad slave trade. Raheni merchants began to purchase slaves from the Ofehibi and gnollish caravan masters and found the imported manpower to be exactly what was needed to revitalize the economy. As the trade proved ever more prosperous, what began as a trickle of enslaved peoples quickly became a flood.\n\nNowhere saw profits from the Sarhali slave trade like the spice plantations of the Kharunyana Delta. Enterprising merchants bought vacant lands once worked by free Raheni peasants and consolidated them into sprawling estates where imported slaves were forced to labor. Conditions were horrific and inhumane, with high mortality rates and little time to rest. Brutal methods were employed by taskmasters to keep the enslaved in line, and the risk of slave revolt was a constant concern.\n\nDespite the horrors of the estates, the East Sarhal slave trade was massively profitable for the Raheni, and the Sarniryabsadi elite profited in particular. Vast wealth flowed into their hands, making them so influential that even Ramapalar the Reunifier dared not anger them or their merchant allies by banning the trade.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Bhuvauri RevoltSlave revolt in the Kharunyana Delta could not be prevented forever. Around 1350, the Dakinshi shaman Abazima Skyeye, the Bulwari laborer Kures szel-Arcas, and the mysterious Janjira of the Silken Veil began to plan a massive rebellion. Together these figures organized the slaves, stole weapons, and created battle plans right under the noses of the Noble Stripe.\n\nWhen the slaves launched their coordinated strike and began the Bhuvauri revolt, its speed and organization took the slavers entirely by surprise. Soldiers from Sramaya rode out to meet the revolting slaves but in their overconfidence they were ambushed and slaughtered. Within a week, Sramaya was under siege, and its walls were soon overtopped with aid from within the city. The Brass army overran the garrison posts and seized the citadel, raising their makeshift green and red banner over the city.\n\nThe Bhuvauri revolt was a crushing blow to the Senapti of Amtarim. Although the Rajas recovered the ancestral seat of the Noble Stripe, the improbable victory of the slaves at the Battle of Tanyatta ensured that Sramaya would never be retaken. Our status as Senapti was stripped as punishment for failing to prevent the revolt, the lords of Amtarim were left to dream of recovering their lost holdings, wealth, and glory.
+20% Garrison Size

Artists of AmtarimThough the lords of Amtarim would never recover Sramaya, the poetic and artistic legacy of the Noble Stripe would endure far beyond its importance as an independent polity. Always a center indigo and other dye production, Amtarim became the primary source for the paints of the many artists who flourished in Rahen during the golden age of the Nahana Jadd. \n\nMany of the greatest artists of the age chose to reside within its walls, and the great works painted here would dominate Cannorian perception of Raheni art throughout the 19th century.
+1 Yearly Prestige

+10% Siege Ability