Dursikari Ideas

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-15% General Cost
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Last SurvivorsOur elder huntsmen tell stories of the centuries that have passed since our forebears first ventured into the recesses of the Serpentspine. Our ancestors, The Mashaal Hanera, were explorers who ventured into the depths to scout for riches for the kingdom of Hadravaza. When that great kingdom fell and we were lost to the dark, we were forced to adapt...\n\nThe humans among the Mashaal Hanera suffered greatly from long exposure to Halanna’s Breath, with most dying to sickness by 1021. The few dwarves among the expedition fell to goblins swarms, buying us time to escape. Soon, the harimari of the Mashaal Hanera were alone in the depths.\n\nCut off from the surface, our ancestors fled through the caverns, deeper into the Tree of Stone. Despite the odds, they not only survived, but thrived. Under the first Huntmaster Arjun, they came to hunt the creatures that once threatened them. As time went by, they delved ever deeper beneath the surface, and perpetually exposed to the effects of Halanna's Breath, they grew stronger, their temperament increasingly aggressive, able to call on great bursts of rage. Now, in the shadows, we stand alone, poised to be the predators that command the caverns instead of lurking within them.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
-10% Land Attrition

KurtinavartaIn our tribe, leadership is comprised of hunters operating within a well-organised hierarchy called the Kurtinavarta - the ‘Tale of Glory’. Led by the esteemed Huntmaster, A perpetual spirit of competition is cultivated among the people, as each member strives to ascend through the ranks of the hunters by proving their by acquiring trophies taken from monsters through their exploits.\n\nUpon the arrival of every newborn in our tribe, it is customary for parents to reverently recite a passage to their children, echoing the wisdom imparted by Arjun the first Huntmaster, - ‘Oh child of the dark hunt, yours is a story of struggle. Pursue the challenge of the tunnels, my cub - chase the greatest of monsters of the shadow and cleave down their might with your own. Carve your name in Flesh and Scale and Steel, and let it be writ in our minds forever. Before Death, there is Glory.’
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Dwarven BondThe dwarves were our companions when we first ventured into the winding caverns of the Tree of Stone, aiding us with the exploration, logistics and warfare within. The friendship between our two peoples grew greatly as we overcame many hardships together while learning each other's culture. However, as Hadravaza collapsed and we were forced to flee from the encroaching goblins that cut us off from the surface, it was Lodûn the Great and his warriors, the Dûrbrotka, that held the line while Arjun of the Bright Eye led our people north to the caverns we reside in now, swearing this final oath to him: \n\n‘I, Lodûn, have lived my life in the mountains of my ancestors. A privilege many dwarves did not receive. It is here that I have fought against the denizens of the deeps alongside my kinsmen. It is here I have shed the blood of my foes with my axe and your father’s claws. I stand here today surrounded by my kinsmen, both dwarf and harimari. We dwarves will die in our ancient homeland, but we will not see you suffer the same fate. Flee into the caves, seek shelter, find food, and no matter what, you must live. No hobgoblin shall pursue, this we vow.’\n\nOur fallen allies are gone, but not forgotten. They will always be honoured, and any of their kin who we find in these dark halls we will aid. The Dûrsikari will never forget their sacrifice.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Spear and FangThe Serpentspine is an unforgiving home. To survive here, far from the light of the surface, has compelled us to harness the full extent of our natural gifts. To traverse the winding and tight passages, we move as adeptly on four legs as two. While some first found this to be an insult to their pride, they were swiftly reminded that pride has no use in survival. Our claws we dip in poison, letting any wound on our prey be a death sentence.. Our tails we gird with daggers, a final blade with which to strike. There are those who would decry these things as an insult to their pride, their honour. Pride has no use in survival, honour has no place in the tunnels. There is only living and dying. Only the law of spear and fang.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

Poisons and PoulticesThe Dwarovar is lush with various varieties of Serpentbloom that have proven to be immensely useful to us. Whether using sticky sap in traps to slow down escaping prey, using combustible firebuds to set enemies ablaze, or to mend deep wounds and cure illness, Serpentbloom has become very valuable to our people. Studying the various species is of great interest to our herbalists, who pioneer new methods to use everything we possibly can out of every element of a Serpentbloom plant, protecting ourselves and striking our foes with each new concoction.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Shrouded ClawThe title of ‘the Shrouded Claw’ is unlike traditional harimari dynasties, for it is not one of blood. This name is granted to each new Huntmaster when they prove their worth to assume leadership of the Dûrsikari by placing a new great trophy within the Hall of the Huntsmaster. Such has been our way since the time of Arjun of the Bright Eye, who ventured far into the depths to vanquish the mighty behir Zohazin, terror of our people. Its electric breath, sharp teeth and twelve legs had led many to their death, but Arjun was a patient hunter.\n\nHe ventured into the creatures territory and there he laid on a high ledge for two full days, anticipating the behir to walk unknowingly beneath him. At last the moment arrived and Arjun leaped below and thrust his daggers into Zohazin’s eyes, blinding the beast and allowing him to end its existence. Victorious in his hunt, Arjun returned to his people with Zohazin’s claws as a trophy and led us to the former lair of the monster. To this day, the skull of the beast lays in the Hollow Den, decorating the tent of The Shrouded Claw.
+1 Land Leader Shock
+1 Monarch Military Skill

If it BleedsThe creatures of the Dwarovar have proven to be astoundingly terrifying with their natural weapons, whether it be with pincers or poisons. Just how these are immensely useful to them, they are also of use to us. Every part of our prey is used after a hunt, whether it be for weaponry, armour, or buildings. Behir horns have proven to be the most durable material to make bows, while Deep Crow pincers have made for brutal spear tips. Our regular lack of the proper equipment for metallurgy has made us turn to the scales of drakes for resistant armour, and some of our more ingenious hunters have taken to using basilisk-head helmets to fool our prey into instinctively looking away from us when we break cover and approach them. Our settlements are made of bones and hides of all shapes and sizes, and with every kill we innovate, finding new ways to make our people stronger, better, faster.\n\nIf it bleeds, we kill it, use it, and grow stronger from it.
-10% Regiment Costs

-10% Advisor Cost