Karassk Ideas

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-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
-10% Light Ship Cost

The Emerald Of The SeasThe first of the Godseeker line came to power in Karassk as the clock ran out in the final hours of the 332nd empire. Jessk Godseeker came unto the city with a great emerald whose beauty she said would light the way for the empire to come.\n\nPlaced atop a great lighthouse, its refractions made Karassk a beacon for trade in the literal sense of guiding ships to safety, but it also made sure Karassk formed the core of new trade links that formed the basis for the Karassian Empire. \n\nKarassk became the Emerald of the Seas because it shone brightly and placed itself as the antithesis of its rising rival in Zerat. Karassk would flex the sinews of trade while Zerat clung to waging war for the sinew as a mere end.
+10% Trade Efficiency
+25% Trade Range

Claim Of The Sea KingsAt the height of the Karassian Polity, when it was wondered if they would be the ones to take the mantle of the 333rd and Final Empire and cast down Zerat, in the great harbour of Karassk city a great work was commissioned that would display for all to see the majesty of the empire this city built.\n\nUpon the seafloor was laid a mosaic of coloured pieces, so that when the weather was good and the sea calm, sailors leaning over the sides of their ships would see a map of all the distant ports to which they travelled under the banner of Karassk.\n\nToday the old subjects deny their place; the Vyzemby, the isles of South Sarhal and Far Kedwal all forget to send the tribute they still owe. They might have forgotten now, but the hope persists within Karassk that the fleets will sail once more and remind them of their place in the coming empire.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

AshakadaThe ancient Ashakada system was a levy under which coastal settlements would provide a share of those who had drawn blood each year to the Karassk navy. The headsmen of every village would see the telltale signs of the Ashakada Sutna with the single red stripe on black sails.\n\nThe guilty would see that their time had come; if no true guilty existed or no duty was owed in a given year, then it was no great thing for a few guilty men to be found, or else created. Thus was earned the name of the Blood Duty, both for these unscrupulous recruitment practices and for the short lives that those claimed under the Ashakada would have.\n\nIf a conscript survived three engagements, he was dropped off in a distant port without any provided way home. Even those who managed to survive would often be forced to take the offer of a sailor’s wage to try and earn enough to make their own way. The Ashakada was a death sentence even when it technically ended, for once taken few ever saw their homes again.
+20% National Sailors Modifier

The Searching FleetThe Searching Fleet is the pride and main flotilla of the Karassk forces, its mission on paper to be the vanguard of the efforts to search for Katesh. The lost goddess of the sea may no longer be our primary focus for worship, but our legends still hold that her efforts gave us the coves and bays that make our land suited to shipbuilding.\n\nIt was she who granted us the gift to communicate with the creatures of the sea, that they might aid our construction and work in tandem with our sea-bonded captains in the midst of combat, or to carry our vessels when the wind forsakes our fleet. Her gifts remain even after her departure to the deepest depths of the ocean.\n\nOur search now exists largely in name only, as the loss of our colonies and dominions make their restoration our priority above the fascinations of the past. Rumours still grip our imagination though; when the tales are told, every lizardfolk who sails the sea claims to have heard Katesh’s plea in the sounds of the waves or in the songs of the whales. To find her, someday soon.
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+10% Morale of Navies

Azure PyramidThe city of Karassk was built atop a base of imperial plunder. Human immigration as part of that success led to panic among the established orders, who were able to institute a ban on their presence within the core of the city. This ban was motivated primarily by fear of competition from emergent ‘Khair’ families that threatened the control of traditional lenders - a threat never truly posed by Vyzemby subjects.\n\nThis ban on the presence of humans didn’t stop them from using what already-accumulated wealth they had to buy up and renovate the most forgotten of the pyramid quarters of Karassk at the time, the Azure. Repression by lizardfolk elites forced them to find niches in less regulated areas of the economy. Smuggling and other illicit activity became a human domain and attempts by authorities to crack down found that all traces became aether. In such a way the Khair, the windborne, proved themselves well-named.\n\nThe Khair families and the Azure Pyramid became a new hub for commerce and the city government retained their old ordinances on humans in the city centre - even as they brought this illicit economic activity into the fold and benefited from new opportunities for mercantile wealth.
+1 Merchants

Sea DevilsThe gift of Katesh, our communication with the aquatic creatures, affords us opportunities to make use of them in conjunction with our usual forces. The ability to act as trappers, scouts and to move about more quickly than those without access to such bonds gives our troops the ability to steal a march on the movements of our enemies, and to attack in ways that give us a distinct advantage.\n\nKarassian forces are labelled as Sea Devils for these tactics - what seem like savage and underhanded techniques are simply good sense, adapted from our servants. These techniques go beyond simple cooperation, and have led to the creation of unique fighting styles. We see how our dragoons operate with the help of the shark, the eel or the dolphin and apply these principles on the tactical and strategic level.
+15% Marines Force Limit
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Lashuan CityThe Lashuan City is the name given to the strange floating city of stitched-together rafts and obsolete ships that bobs along the coast of our realm, under guard from our training fleets. It was started during the greatest height of the Karassian Empire under the tenth king of the Godseeker dynasty and has grown ever since, developing a slowly-growing permanent population of those addicted to the luxurious experience, who pay for lifetime berths on the Lashuan.\n\nA collection of homes that serves as a mobile embassy for our vassals, allies and other visitors to our empire, its ability to move around the imperial core serves as both a way of showing the wealth of our people and as a diplomatic tool. A delegate understands viscerally their state of favour with the crown when Karassk is a stone’s throw away, yet for three full cycles now they have seen only the coast.\n\nEven with all this growth, the Lashuan City has never been forced to evict a diplomatic resident for space, and the Godseeker lineage keeps it well funded to make sure this never comes.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

+25% Ship Trade Power