Kidsit Yitsi Ideas

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-10% Morale Damage Received
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

A Holy SwampWhen Amilak formed the Holy Land, he placed the perfect form of every land within it. The vast swamplands of Kidsit Yitsi are the perfect form of the swamp, standing in opposition to the accursed Shadow Swamp in the West. While the grace of the sun seldom pierces the blackened atmosphere of the Shadow Swamp, it reflects deeply every morning and evening across the tranquil waters of Kidsit Yitsi, unobstructed by clouds or foliage. There is no place in this region where one cannot lift their head to the sky and gaze upon Amilak’s majesty. The people of Kidsit Yitsi therefore treasure their lands, taking care not to disturb the beauty of Amilak's creation.
+1 Yearly Prestige

A Confederation of KingsPrior to the 12th century the lands of Kidsit Yitsi were home to numerous squabbling chiefdoms. However, in 1104 a large group of Tanizu stalked out a brutal warpath through the swamps, taking the Chosen People as slaves and looting their villages for all they were worth. Individually no match for the shapeshifters, the chiefs of the region agreed to form a confederation in order to force the warband from their lands and better defend against future raids.\n\nThis confederation works much like the typical Mengi system of personal loyalty between Lesser Kings and a King, but the King has fewer privileges and is elected for life from and by the Lesser Kings. The Lesser Kings therefore have a great influence on the direction of the nation, and many grant themselves prestigious roles within the state.
+1 Diplomats

Bulwark of the Holy LandAmilak brought forth the rains of the heavens upon the barren soil of Halann to create a Holy Land for his Chosen People. He dedicated this land to the Mengi, yet for as long as it has existed, there have been those who coveted it. Kidsit Yitsi acts as a shield for the Holy Land's southern edge, and its warriors are long accustomed to fending off the shape-shifting warrior societies down south.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Submerged ShamansWith Kidsit Yitsi's extensive swampland, its people have always placed a heavy focus on water in their worship of almighty Amilak. Some curious traditions have evolved due to this, most notably those involving holy men and the way they should live and worship. \n\nHoly men are expected to live their entire lives within water, Amilak’s greatest gift to Halann. It is common to see travelling holy men wading or swimming through the swamplands, moving from village to village to tell varied tales and sing for the Amilak’s glory. Should a holy man ever be found without any part of him submerged, he would be considered to have betrayed his position as a servant of Amilak. Then cast out of society, or even (in some particularly zealous areas) hunted down and killed for his transgression.
+2% Missionary Strength

Ricebasket of the MengiThe Mengi cultivate a wide variety of crops, such as teff, sorghum, wheat, and barley. However, in the vast wetlands of Kidsit Yitsi it is rice that thrives. Imported from Rahen in the 1st century, the high food yield rice provides grants Kidsit Yitsi a disproportionately large population for a Mengi Kingdom - especially when combined with its relative stability.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Ever Greater UnionEastern Sarhal is a fractured and unstable land torn apart by the machinations of the Hags of Yezel Mora, as kingdoms, princedoms, republics and warlords are kept in constant conflict, ripe for the pickings of the hags favoured servants; the trolls of Yezel Mora.\n\nHowever, Kidsit Yitsi has existed with its current political structure and rough current area for centuries, and claims to be the imagined final kingdom of the Sitewosi. For the Kings, the coalescing of the region’s disparate chiefdoms into a single entity is a symbol of unity that has inspired Kidsit Yitsi to endure Tanizu raids and troll incursions - and that raises them above the fractured kingdoms of the other Mengi.\n\nThis ideology of unity to face off adversity meant that, when the Melakmengi empire finally reemerged, the Kings of Kidsit Yitsi saw it as the natural path of the supposed final Sitewosi Kingdom to be absorbed into the seemingly final Mengi Kingdom. They accepted integration gladly.
+20% Improve Relations

KwariketemaKidsit Yitsi’s swamps have never held any significant quantity of usable wood - most trees in the region snap under even small pressures. However, once part of the new Melakmengi Kingdom, the people of what was once Kidsit Yitsi found themselves with sudden access to large quantities of strong wood from other areas of the Holy Land. With this new availability of useful wood, an innovative construction method began to emerge in the region. By driving vast numbers of timber stakes into areas of the swamp, a large, solid, and stable surface could be created - the wood petrifying until practically stone. This allowed for the start of real city construction in the swamps, creating "Kwariketema" and beginning the urbanisation of the previously almost entirely rural region.
-10% Construction Cost

+15% National Manpower Modifier