Epartan Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Movement Speed

The Eternal VigilMany years ago, our ancestors immortalized their likeness upon the sides of the Emot Nepas Sedar to look after their descendants and immortalize their achievements. Tragically, what they bore witness to was the downfall of what they had built. Slave traders raided our shores, ferrying our people across the gulf whilst the Naléni encroached on our lands leaving only the stone-carved remnants of our leaders as proof of our heritage.\n\nBut, Irkan Eparta is free once more. No longer do they have to shoulder memories of our past glory. Now they will see our rise as we build a new legacy as a free people, one that will endure forevermore. A fitting tribute to their eternal vigil.
-1% Prestige Decay

The EpartesigWhen our ancient kingdom still stood, the coastal nature of our realm had made us a prime target for raiders and pirates. To counteract this weakness the construction of a great series of beachforts or “Epartesig” was attempted. But without a proper fleet to fend off raids and armaments needed to sink incoming ships from the land the project was delayed for decades. Ultimately, the Epartesigs were abandoned when the harpy settlers had completely breached the defensive perimeters.\n\nWith Irkan Esparta rerisen, it is time to bring to fruition the project of our predecessors and finish what was started. A deal with Raheni merchants shall supply us with cannons which will adorn the walls of the newly built or renovated Epartesigs on our shores. No longer will our ships or land be raided in impunity!
+15% Fort Defence

Naléni IntegrationThe Naléni harpies came to the Epartan lands after Jaher destroyed the Siádan queendom at the beginning of the second millenia. At first, these exiles were given little attention. Their roosts were few and limited to areas that were deemed too inaccessible for humans in the western highlands. But after close to a century of slow expansion, the harpies started encroaching upon townships, slowly cutting them off from our kingdom. Under threat from the sea, we could not respond to the harpy threat and the lands they had seized were lost. This vicious cycle repeated for almost two hundred years, until our kingdom could endure the pressure no longer and was ultimately integrated by the Naléni matriarchy.\n\nAll was thought to be lost and our people braced for the worst. Yet the harpies did not displace our people, instead they accepted the ways of the Semayi’gera. And, despite previous centuries of conflict, our people and the Naléni would learn much from each other. Indeed, even with our renewed freedom, our people still sing of their ancestors and chant past tales and myths just as the Naléni sing of ours. Indeed, our ancestors’ statues are now joined by those of the greatest Naléni matriarchs. Now those who gaze upon the mountain see harpies and humans side by side in an unchanging harmony.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

The Sky CrewThe Epartan land is harsh and arduous. Its mountainous and rocky terrain is hard to build upon and even harder to navigate. When an area fit for construction is found, great effort and coin must be spent on finding adequate routes for building supplies. Thus, the Sky Crews were established.\n\nThese harpy and human teams are designated to scout and map out the terrain from the skies to find the best spots to build in and the best routes to reach them. This begins with small scale roosts being built by human ground crews at prospective building sites. After which, the harpies make camp to study the area. If the land is deemed worthy, the construction will be undertaken. Once the construction is complete, the roosts built for these missions are often repurposed for migrating harpies desiring to live closer to human settlements.
-10% Construction Cost

Edge of the HornOur position at the mouth of the gulf of Rahen is a boon for trade and exchange. Fleets bearing the colors of Irkan Eparta can be seen anywhere from Arawkelin in the east to Davharral in the west and even to Fuhoengwaan in the south. But the green pavilion is not only seen on vessels, but also on the vast network of Epartesigs built on key islands and islets across the seas.\n\nOur ships are never far from the web of outposts and naval bases that make up the Epartesig network, thus providing adequate cover and ensuring the safe passage of the goods transported by traders, both foreign and native. For this, our people have come be know as the ”Tebaka ere Telekenid”, the watcher of the Great Horn.
+20% Ship Trade Power

The Telekenid ironworksRecent advancements in shipbuilding techniques has led to an increase in demand for cannons and bombards across not only Sarhal but also Rahen and Yanshen, thus increasing the price of those all too important weapons. With this increase in scarcity our Raheni suppliers have started to take advantage of the situation, demanding more and more privileges and using cannons as a bargaining chip to directly influence the policies of our kingdom. This slope is a dangerous one, one that we know all too well.\n\nAs such the numerous ironworks and mines along the Telekenid mountains shall now focus on producing our own cannons, freeing us from the dependency on the whims of Raheni merchants and securing our continued independence.
-10% Artillery Cost

The Floating EpartesigsFor the longest time, our navy was supported and defended by the Epartesigs’ cannons, but as we ventured further away from our lands the coverage provided by our outposts was unable to keep up. As such new strategies were required to further our reach into the sea and along the coasts, a new type of ship, able to support our troops even when out of our own waters and far from the Epartesigs.\n\nSo came to be the floating Epartesigs, fortresses of the sea bombarding our enemies with the wrath of cast heavy cannons, great artillery pieces originally designed to be used in forts and fortifications. Such ships, equipped with the heaviest of cannons, larger than their counterparts, and fortified to their limits would fulfill the role of our Epartesigs when out in the high seas and be the centerpiece of our new naval doctrine.
+5% Heavy Ship Combat Ability
+1 Blockade Impact on Siege

+10% Artillery Combat Ability