Tibokbo Ideas

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-20% Land Attrition
+15% Movement Speed

Hunter ConfederationTibokbo is a confederation of five tribes who share power between themselves, when the current high-chieftess dies the chieftess of the next tribe in line will take her place. It was once dominated by one tribe until the others challenged them in the first Ihaza Itsara.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

The Ozamdi ShrineOn the top of the highest hill in Tibokbo lies a temple to Ozamdi, the largest in Fahvanosy. Many worshippers of Ozamdi come to this temple to give tribute to him. The taxation levied on these pilgrims are an important source of income for the confederation.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Guard Dog of FahvanosyTibokbo is often called the guard dog of Fahvanosy. This is due to their history of defending against invading human and lizardfolk tribes which crossed the sea from Sarhal. In fact the confederation formed to fight an invasion of lizardfolk from Karassk.
+10% Morale of Armies

Ihaza ItsaraThe Ihaza Istara is a competitive hunt between the member tribes of the confederation. They are used to settle disputes as they believe Ozamdi will grant victory to the tribe with the strongest claim.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

IhazadaiAccomplished hunters from Tibokbo often seek new challenges and Fahvanosy can only offer so much. Therefore many travel to the distant lands of Sarhal to hunt their larger and more challenging game. On these journeys they learn about the cultures and beliefs of Sarhal’s many peoples.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Wyvern HuntersTibokboan mercenaries fought for Tiboktsamo during the Vyzemby reclamation effort where they managed to kill a wyvern.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Elefant GunMany hunters on Ihazadai discovered the usefulness of the musket in hunting large game. They would innovate on them by increasing its size so they could kill an elephant with one shot. These large guns would require multiple Vyzemby to operate and were therefore used as light artillery when it was imported back to Tibokbo.
-10% Artillery Cost

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change