Jakannakazy Ideas

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+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Rich BackgroundOur ancestors came from all parts of the Summer Isles to escape persecution. The Mboala native to the isle, the Ametany from the north, the Mazava from the south, and even the Fomarati – all can be found on our Island. We may not share the same background, but we all believe in the right of The Nakazy Daughters to lead the Great Family. Many of us also share the experience of persecution from our governments, but here, we can be free.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Temple MilitiasWhen our ancestors arrived on the island, it was sparsely populated and used as a pirate and smuggler hub. In these times, the high priestess, a leader of the Amezatany refugees from Tvarateram, allied with local inhabitants, and with their help expelled the pirates from their base. People who took part in the raid later became the core of the militia which was designated to defend the island from both pirates and foreign navies The militia also guarded the Shrine of The Nakazy Daughters. The militia boasted many victories against local pirates, scoundrels, and even the combined forces of Mihitarab and Lelanán, bringing order and stability to the region.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Serpent DiplomacyDiplomacy is an art that is crucial for survival of any state, and in its weakened position, our country requires substantial maneuvering simply to stay afloat in this sea of politics. This has culminated in our recent alliance with the King of Mihitarab, and although some criticize the alliance because it renders us an inferior partner, it cannot be denied that we can better fight our true enemy: the Temple-City of Lelanàn.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Nakazy PilgrimageOur island hosts the most important shrine to the four Nakazy daughters, drawing in many pilgrims who chose Nakazy as their patrons, arriving from across the Summer Isles. This allows us to create connections throughout the isles, increasing our diplomatic outreach significantly.
+20% Improve Relations

TeramavaAfter pirates were expelled from their hub on the isle, the port was settled by refugees. Thanks to the island's location and the will of the high priestess to continue fighting the vile pirates, it became a safe haven for traders from the south or mainland, establishing itself as an entrepot for Mihitarabi merchants looking to purchase rare and exotic spices.
+8% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+5% Trade Efficiency

Serene CouncilThe Serene Council is the official name of the parliament created to balance power between the clergy, high priests and civil administration of the towns, the newly emerging merchant class, and the militia leaders. The Council was established in 1561 after growing pressure from the urban bourgeoisie, which demanded more representation in the government structures.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

ItoboanànWhen the refugees arrived on the island and started mixing with the local population, it was only sparsely populated, but this changed over time with settlements slowly growing, jungles being cut down, and marches being drained, turning them into fertile fields. Though largely rural in the 15th century, over the next several hundred years Jakannakazy would undergo a slow but dramatic urbanization, with the cities of Teramava and the Faribomasi becoming the island’s new population centers.
-5% Development Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

+3% Missionary Strength