Kuiika Ideas

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+1 Diplomats
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Memories of the Kui EmpireBorn the bastard son of a powerful noble in the time when Horashesh was ruled by the Irsukuba Confederacy, Kui would lead a rebellion against this once powerful but now decadent state in the last years of the 10th century. His main supporters were the Vurebindu natives, tired of the Confederacy's oppressive taxation and of being treated like second-class citizens, although many Irsukuba also joined his ranks. This revolt would manage to successfully topple the Confederacy, replacing it with a centralized empire led by Kui and his descendents, who to this day still sit on the throne of Kuiika. \n\nUnder the wise leadership of Kui the empire achieved great splendor and prosperity, controlling most of the Horashesh Plains at its peak, but his successors were not up to the task. The state slowly declined, with its borders being reduced to the immediate area of the Kuiziva lake and eventually becoming just another subject of Kheterata. The memory of this glorious past and its tragic loss motivates the people of Kuiika; they will rebuild this empire, and this time it shall never fall.
+10% Morale of Armies

Great Blue HeartNamed, like most things in Kuiika, after their beloved founder, the Kuiziva lake is of breathtaking beauty, and its calm and vast waters serve as the heart and lifeblood of the country, both spiritually and economically. Big and tasty fish are plentiful in the lake and make up an important part of the local diet, but even more important to the sustenance of the nation are the fertile shores of the mass of water, where rice and vegetables grow in quantity, making Kuiika the orchard of Horashesh. Not all of the shore is dedicated to growing food, as in the Chutibu province great extensions are dedicated to hemp, used for paper production. The best place to observe the beautiful scenery of the lake is the Kuiika Gamyi, a great tower built atop the ruins of the ancient lizardfolk spire in the center of the city.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
+5% Production Efficiency

The Legions of KuiKui was without a doubt the greatest leader of Horashesh’s history, and one of his many achievements was the army reform that he carried out during his rebellion. He had to face the fearsome warriors of the Ikursuba elite, and his army consisted mostly of Vurebindu peasants, more numerous but inexperienced and undisciplined. To remedy this he organized them into legions of 5000 men and put them through a harsh and short but effective training, which both prepared them for combat and thoroughly indoctrinated them to be unconditional fighters for Kui’s cause. These new troops proved incredibly effective, and Kui was able to not only push back the Ikursuba Confederation, but also to unify Horashesh under his command. While the current troops of Kuiika may not be the old legions of Kui, many elements of their training regime are still applied, and combined with modern innovations of war these soldiers may even surpass the success of their ancestors.
+25% Army Drill Gain Modifier

The Kuiziva festivalOnce every four years, during the first three weeks of summer, the people of Kuiika gather to celebrate the divine Kui, their nation and the lake that gives it life. This is called the Kuiziva Festival, and during it a great procession marches around the shore of the lake, led by a giant wooden effigy of Kui carried on the backs of 10 men and 10 women, rotating every hour so that as many people as possible can receive the honor of being a carrier. The effigy is accompanied by bands of musicians and poets loudly proclaiming praises and playing songs dedicated to Kui, and followed by seemingly endless masses of both pious peregrines and curious tourists from all over the world. The procession makes 4 stops, one every last day of a week, during which massive amounts of free food and alcohol are distributed and the people dance and sing until the next day dawns. In the fourth and final stop the effigy of Kui is loaded onto a great raft along with many offerings of both food and valuable objects, and they will all be covered in oil and rowed to the center of the lake by 10 men and 10 women volunteers. Only one of them stays in this raft, usually a very devout and old individual who sets the raft, and themselves with it, on fire while thousands watch silently from the shore. This ends the festival with a fiery sacrifice, giving back to the lake a little portion of what it gives to them.
+1 Monthly Splendour
+1 Yearly Prestige

The 100 ships of Bud VanhuKuiika lacked access to the sea during the rule of Kheterata, and as such when they abandoned the region the country didn’t have a fleet. During the War for Zena, Kuiika seized land along the coast of the Seahorse Sea, including the port of Bud Vanhu, which made the lack of a naval force a worrying issue. Their former ally of Zuvavim, now turned competitor, had a powerful fleet that could wreak havoc unopposed in their newly obtained coast if they wished to do so. To remedy this the ruler at the time decided to undertake an ambitious naval build-up program, hiring a crew of Vizemby shipbuilders led by a particularly ambitious halfling, who promised that they could deliver a hundred ships within a year. As it turns out, building a hundred ships from scratch in a year from a single port with an improvised shipyard isn’t really possible, so the shipbuilders had only finished 10 ships when the term expired. This was still an impressive feat, and the techniques developed by the shipbuilders to try to reach this impossible self-imposed goal helped to significantly develop Kuiikan shipmaking.
-20% Galley Cost
-10% Shipbuilding Time

Cutting the weedsKing Kenmu was the ruler of Kuiika during the first decades of the 15th century, well known thanks to a popular legend of debated historical veracity. It tells that in the first years of his reign the kingdom faced a devastating drought, and to avoid famine Kenmu imported shipments of grain, imposing high taxes on the nobility to pay for it. The nobles were of course outraged, and to calm them down Kenmu invited the most powerful ones to his palace to discuss the issue. \n\nOnce there he made them pass into his garden, telling them that they would talk about the taxes after observing some beautiful roses recently planted. The twelve most prominent malcontents entered first, and after them the king stopped the rest and told them to wait, as some weeds had been found among the roses and they needed to be cut immediately, so that they wouldn't tarnish the beauty of the roses.\n\nWhen he finally let the nobles pass, they were horrified to see the 12 decapitated heads of their colleagues piled in a cart. The king smiled and said that he was sorry for the wait, but that he hoped that, now that the weeds had been cut, only roses remained in the garden.
-2 National Unrest

The canonization of Saint KuiDuring his rebellion Kui was proclaimed to be a divine being, the reincarnation in mortal form of the King of the World Zuvanofa, which meant that he would ascend to the skies as a god after his death. The people of Kuiika firmly embraced this idea, and the cult of Kui was the state and majority religion of the country during most of its history, with his divinity being accepted as a fact as evident as the sky being blue and water being wet. However, with the spread of Ravelianism in the nation this fact started being disputed, which caused the monarchy to oppose the new faith initially, as the ruling dynasty claimed to be descendants of Kui and their legitimacy benefited greatly from his assumed divinity. A compromise was soon reached, as the queen at the time believed embracing Ravelianism would speed the modernization of the nation. Kui may not be a god, but he would be a Saint, and so it was arranged. In a great ceremony coinciding with the celebration of the Kuiziva festival, which was attended by the High Rector Torrieth herself, the founder of Kuiika was officially canonized as Saint Kui, the queen was converted and Ravelianism became the new official faith of the kingdom of Kuiika, who would become the main diffuser of the truth of the One God in the region.
+1 Missionaries

+2% Missionary Strength vs Heathens