Naditaroi Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
+20% Improve Relations

Exiled from the EffelaiOur culture originated south of the Effelai, sheltered from the horrors of the jungle by the Mushroom Forest, but we were driven out by the larger and more warlike Laí’i tribes.\n\nIn the past we looked on the Lai’i tribes with a mixture of revulsion and pity, as they sang their songs and fell in thrall to the nightmare of the jungle. But then they began migrating into our home in larger numbers, violently taking from us whatever they could.\n\nWhile our mastery of the local environment had provided an early advantage, the physically stronger and more numerous Lai’i adapted quickly and we found ourselves pushed further and further south until we were eventually forced out of the Mushroom Forest altogether.\n\nPushed into the borders of Taychend, we settled in an abandoned frontier settlement we named Airoa Naditari and resolved to one day reclaim our home, and to never let ourselves be exiled again.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Adaptation in ExileFinding ourselves in a land of city-states and domineering hero-gods, we had to quickly adapt. Learning from our new neighbors, we left behind our isolationist heritage, and unified under a chief to set about building our new home into a settlement we could both defend from invaders, and further prosper within.\n\nWe even took on the local beliefs to better connect and learn from our neighbors, though in our hearts and souls we keep a reverence for the cycle of life, growth, death and decay taught to us by our mushroom filled homeland. This willingness to integrate with our neighbors has proven particularly useful for establishing a vast trade network, and we have taken full advantage of this to secure our place in Taychend. Our expertise in the cultivation of mushrooms, combined with our willingness to adapt, saw us become masters of the fungi trade across Taychend.
+10% Global Trade Power
+5% Trade Efficiency

Spore AlchemyThough we no longer had access to the giant mushrooms of our homeland, we brought with us knowledge of the cultivation and refinement of the lesser fungi this region contains.\n\nThrough the study of spore alchemy we have created many wonders: acids that could eat through the toughest of steel armour, and hallucinogenic compounds that has kept our newly claimed territories secure; while tinctures refined from medicinal fungi kept sickness at bay and carefully applied treatments of mushroom oil extract produced remarkably tough yet flexible leather.\n\nRumours exist of dangerous secrets that were lost to our people in the exodus, ways that one could acquire great power, but at a terrible cost.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Heirlooms of a Lost HomeBefore being exiled from the Mushroom Forest our distinctive mushroom-cap hats formed an important part of our coming of age ceremony. A freshly-sprouted giant mushroom would be selected and harvested just before its rapid growth spurt, and its cap would be carefully crafted into a hat that would be presented to a Dugui’hí youth to mark their passage into adulthood, to be worn in public for the rest of their life.\n\nAfter being forced out of the Mushroom Forest, we could no longer perform this sacred tradition. Our precious remaining mushroom hats instead became prized family heirlooms, preserved and passed down the generations, symbols of a lost home that we would one day reclaim.
+2 Possible Advisors

Mycelium SteelAfter being displaced from our home, we found ourselves outmatched by the bronze and steel equipped Taychendi warriors.\n\nThis changed when the visionary smith and spore alchemist E'ebo Teatontologa discovered that the correct application of fungal extracts to iron ore could produce an alloy of impressive strength. Specially prepared fungal acids would be introduced at exactly the right moment as the iron ore was heated over a charcoal fire. If correctly prepared, these acids would dramatically increase the strength and potency of the bond between the iron and the charcoal.\n\nThis new steel, marked by tell-tale mycelium patterns criss-crossing its surface, proved devastating in battle. Blades made from it could cleave through all but the toughest armour, and plates produced from it could be sewn into toughened leather armour, reinforcing it many times over while keeping weight down. These breakthroughs evened the odds and allowed our nation to survive despite our warlike neighbors.
-10% Military Technology Cost

Puffball ArtilleryThe first use of giant puffball mushrooms as a weapon was during our original struggle with the Lai’i invaders - the large, spore carrying mushrooms were dropped from the canopy to disorient our enemies and buy us time to flee the Mushroom Forest.\n\nThe disciplines of spore alchemy and mycelium metallurgy, perfected and combined with technology from our Taychendi neighbors and the new arrivals from across the sea, produced the first true puffball artillery. Specially built cannonballs, designed to emit clouds of hallucinogenic spores upon impact, spread chaos in the ranks of enemy armies. Our soldiers are provided a tincture refined from the very same spores that provides temporary immunity, allowing them to take advantage of the breaks in our enemy’s lines.
+15% Artillery Damage from Back Row

Reverence of a True HeroChief Wishi'powi Tahuvava of Airoa Naditari took power two centuries after our exile, and quickly proved to be a wildly popular leader of our people. Promising that the return of the Dugui’hí to our true homeland was within reach, he set about preparing us to push back against the Lai’i invaders who stole our homes so long ago.\n\nHis leadership was vital to the great project of reclaiming our home, with his natural charisma, keen mind and, most importantly, powerful magic, he truly unified our people, bringing us together to face the Lai’i invaders.\n\nWith our people rallied around such a powerful ruler, the reclamation of our home was more a challenge of administration and planning than of military might, as the disorganised Lai’i crumbled against our united front.\n\nWhile our adoption of the Taychedi belief system was born out of convenience, no Naditaroi citizen would deny that Chief Wishi'powi was a true hero of our people. This reverence runs through our culture, even as we return to our traditional beliefs from before our exile.
+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces

+10% Production Efficiency