Salla Elyn Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

One With NatureWhile other armies must struggle to feed themselves in the field, wood elves know how to work with the land in order to sustain themselves. And while other armies struggle to ford rivers and cross hills and mountains, we know the paths that they do not. We are, after all, one with nature.
+8% Movement Speed
+25% Supply Limit Modifier

Connections to Every ClanThe grove of Elyn is defined by the great Silent Lake that sits at its center. Its tranquil waters dotted with beautiful sailboats manned by those who still remember the traditions of the remnant fleet, the Silent Grove is the closest thing to a cosmopolitan hub that exists among the Wood Elves. In the streets of Elynayle can be found elves from all nine of the great clans, drawn to the lakeshore for rare trade goods, tranquil relaxation beneath open skies, or reconnection with the maritime traditions of their ancestors.\n\nWhen the orcs of the Greentide came upon the Deepwoods and threatened to destroy the Wood Elven Clans, Salla Elyn took the lead in coordinating a united effort to oppose the invaders. Drawing on their many connections to the other clans, they called a council in Elynayle, to which Clan Myna and the precocious young queen Narawen of the Drennen responded. From this meeting grew the first seeds of the Verdant Pact that would define Wood Elven diplomacy for the next hundred years.
+25% Improve Relations

Wisdom of the EldersMany come to Salla Elyn as elders to spend the remainder of their days in quiet relaxation and contemplation on the shore of the Silent Lake. There are those elves, however, who retain great vigor and interest in worldly affairs in their old age, and these elders make their advice and experience freely available to Clan Elyn during their retirement in Elynayle. While some resent the unrequested advice from elders outside the clan, there is no denying that there is no shortage of wise voices to listen to in Salla Elyn when the situation calls for it.
-10% Advisor Cost

Ayrecais YgoniThough the shore of the Silent Lake is seemingly peaceful, nowhere in the Deepwoods is free of danger. Fey trickery, great monsters, and goblin tribes lurk just beyond the treeline and threaten to shatter the illusion of safety that lies over Elynayle, to say nothing of the existential threat caused by the Greentide. Thus, the gladewardens of Salla Elyn watch - hidden, waiting, calm but alert. The motto of the Elyn rangers is Ayreacais Ygonai, or "Vigilance Eternal", for only with eternal vigilance and preparation for battle can peace be maintained.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

The Ranger ArtEven in an age of new, spectacular weaponry, we have not forgotten our military traditions. Ever since we first ventured into these forests, we've trained some of the best scouts, rangers, and outriders. Even if it's unconventional, we should apply this training to all of our soldiers.
+1 Yearly Army Tradition

Gift of the ForestUnlike other people, we don't work against the forest, we work with it. When we work with the forest, then, the forest works with us, and gives us what we need when we ask of it, without coercion, and without violence against it.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

A Wood Elf RenaissanceWe have been lost in the Deepwoods for centuries, unaware of what was happening in the lands outside. The Greentide - for better or for worse - changed all of that. We have been thrust back into the world, and we must experience our own, uniquely Wood Elven renaissance if we are to keep up with the rest of Cannor, and the rest of the world.
+10% Institution Spread

+50% Innovativeness Gain