Dragon Dominion Ideas

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+5% Discipline
+15% Siege Ability

Crystalline BeautyThey say art is a reflection of the soul, it is no surprise then that our structures are adorned with piercing turrets and sharp edges that rise into the sky. Should they strike fear into outsiders, then they have done their purpose well. After all, with that fear comes acknowledgement of our strength. Let them cast these first judgements, for it is the true believers who stand to marvel at our church interiors.\n\nAdorned along these walls are various crystals, stained to allow a variety of colored light to stream forth. These images tell our past and future, from a sorrowful depiction of the "last dragon", Drozmagog, locked in mortal combat with the villainous Uma-Zomaj, to a noble portrait of the Dragon Prince adorned in his full regalia. How can one look at these images and not weep, submitting to their beauty? To be brought to tears by a deity is nothing but a whim, but to be brought so by art? That is what makes a masterpiece.
-15% Construction Cost

BozamachiIf the Gospodh is the will of the dragon, then the Bozamachi are surely his blade. Much like a real blade, they move only with the command of their wielder, Varlengeilt. They are his, from their blood to their sweat. Each drop is spilled only in service to the Dragon Prince. When they are not serving the prince on the battlefield they train themselves raw as to only be of more worth when they are required again. They are the elite of the elite, the pinnacle of combat, the divine blades.
+0% Yearly Army Professionalism

Fires of FaithFire, an all cleansing force. Consuming what it touches for greater purpose, to become one with its flame.\n\nMany see this destruction, this assimilation, as an evil destructive force. Though it may be destructive, it is by no means evil. For what it destroys, it returns anew from the ashes. From the sacrifice of wood it brings forth warmth and light. From animals it gives us meat which we may eat.\n\nThe greatest of flames, dragon fire, does just this. From what it has taken, it has given us faith. Now we must give our lives to it, dedicate all that we have to the dragon's flame, for only then will it bring forth the salvation that we desire.
+2% Missionary Strength
+1 Missionaries

Boreal AcademiesWhen one looks upon the northern lights you can't help but be filled with wonder and amazement. This is the very same essence we wish to capture in our numerous academies. Whether it be Gomosengha, hidden among the trees yet filled with the brightest of minds across the Ynn, or a more public university where even the poorest peasant can receive an education, knowledge must flow.\n\nLet it flow like the lights, dazzling those unaccustomed to our culture. We will teach the people that although we may live such mortal lives compared to the dragons we worship, there is much we can learn before we perish.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

Varlengeilt's LegionsThough he may be just a teen in terms of dragons, that the Dragon Prince is the child of Drozmagog is no question. Where Varlengeilt walks the sun shines, the trees seem to bow, and the people follow. A legion of followers devoted to his will. His legion shall follow wherever he may lead, no matter the battlefield. Let the roads always remain open and well lit, to lead more followers home.
+15% Caravan Power
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Draconic Munitions"The sky seemed to tremble as it was torn asunder, brilliant streaks of orange and gray illuminating the night. Each whistling scream followed by the deafening boom of destruction. As the night progressed the city began to match the sky, burning in vermillion hues of death. Surely, this is as close to Drozmagog’s breath as any mortal could muster. Truly magnificent."\n-Report on the Capitulation of Bostynn, Van Arlertha, Dragon Dominion Scholar, 1783.
+15% Land Fire Damage

The GospodhGospodh, Dominus, Dragonlord, they all mean the same thing, the will of the dragon. After all, who could be closer to the will of Varlengeilt than the dragonblooded themselves?\n\nThese rulers emanate both power and nobility, through their magical prowess, raw strength, and lineage. Varlengeilt, child of the "last dragon" is our compass and we will go in his direction. It stands to reason then, that we should obey his voice absolutely. Varlengeilt speaks for our nation, and the Gospodh speaks for Varlengeilt.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+10 Maximum Absolutism

+5% Administrative Efficiency