Larankar Ideas

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-15% Cavalry Cost
-5 Years of Separatism

Merialeth The ManumitterWhen the skies turned dark, many fled to the fortified manors of the ancient lords past, who then used the refugees for their own benefit. In one such manor a city grew, built on a defensible cliffside and ruled over by a tyrannical lord. He forced the refugees to slave away in the gold mines of the area, for that was but the only way they could receive the food and water which the tyrant controlled.\n\nMerialeth was one such slave who, with a band of followers, escaped into the dangerous countryside. They built up their forces, and, on one stormy night, snuck into the mansion. They sneakily took out every guard in their way, managing to reach the tyrant’s bedside unhindered. Merialeth beheaded the tyrant with a special magic blade, ending his reign.\n\nThe next day, she was proclaimed the first queen of Urvand. She freed all the slaves, earning for herself the title "The Manumitter", and set about organizing Urvand into a proper city. After 22 years of rule, she left this world, bequeathing the city to her successors. Every petty noble of Urvand claims descent from the legendary queen, but only a true descendant of Merialeth can rule Urvand.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Highland Horse RidersThe Larankarha horse is stronger, tougher, and stockier than its Taychendi contemporaries. While every Larankarha city has their own special breed of Larankarha horse, Urvand’s is noted for not being particularly unique. Instead, Urvand focused on breeding and sustaining massive populations of these horses, such that entire armies of Urvand’s warriors would ride into battle on the saddle. Urvand developed a specialized logistics corps, whose primary duty was not to fight, but to supply everything these horse riders required.
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

The Final Larankarha KingdomWhen Urvand consolidated the lands of the Larankarha, it propagated a simple but effective message: Urvand is the ultimate and final kingdom of the Larankarha, and anyone that opposes this will be crushed. This was the core ideology Urvand’s rulers followed, and they even went so far as to rename their state to Larankar to better reflect this unifying ideology. As Urvand subjugated the rest of the Larankarha over the 15th century, it replaced local rulers with puppets that followed this same ideology, while cunningly using propaganda to slowly wither away the local identities of the original Larankarha.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

High City Of Opulence"I started my rule with Urvand full of ramshackle tents and decaying structures, but left it an organized city built of stone and gold."\n- the final words of Merialeth\n\nOne of the core goals every ruler of Urvand must follow is to improve their city, in so doing following the will of Merialeth. The core powerbase of the monarch are the citizens of Urvand, who will gladly stay loyal as long as their city is invested in. Thus, the city of Urvand is a beauty full of gold and opulence, resting upon and expanding into the cliffside. On the other hand, the opulent gold is mined by slaves and criminals, whose labor is used to build the city of Urvand; the forever expanding city holds this sordid secret deep within.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

Erankar, Defier Of FateFrom the moment Erankar took breath he defied the odds, cut free from his mother and taken by fever as a newborn. Be it his daring escape from the hands of Enlarmai after the fall of his city and the execution of his family, his tortuous years spent in the Larankarha wilderness hunting with his bare hands just to survive, the half a decade he spent working his way towards one of the fiercest mercenary bands in Taychend, or his incredible and crushing victory over Enlarmai and the resulting utter destruction of their capital. At every moment, in every crisis, Erankar the Defiant spat in the face of fate, and won.\n\nIt was this defiance – this unceasing determination and unbreakable will – that allowed Erankar to create the largest state the Larankarha had ever seen. And at the Battle of Masialendi, when it was thought that no one could even harm Laskaris the Conqueror - let alone kill him - it was this defiance that allowed Erankar to land a near mortal blow on the invader, routing his army, and saving Taychend from total Kheionai dominance. No matter the challenge Larankar faces, the descendants of Erankar will always remember the spirit of the Defiant and fight against the judgements of fate for their people’s ascendency.
-15% Province War Score Cost

The Hadas KattiAs outsiders march upon Taychend, many warlords fall and the people suffer, as seemingly no one can stand against them. Yet, there is one kingdom that has proven itself able to resist the foreigners: Larankar. From Erankar almost killing the seemingly invincible Laskaris, to the resistance against the Sun Elves, every Taychendi seeking to liberate their homeland knows who to turn to.\n\nThese exiled warriors who fled to Larankar joined the kingdom’s army. Known as the Hadas Katti, Blades of Despair, they helped bolster the numbers of Larankar’s armies, aiding in the kingdom’s survival in the centuries to come.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Recovery Against The OddsIt is said that when Erankar visited a local oracle during his march through Kalavend, the oracle spoke of how Erankar’s realm would meet its end "under the coming of the eastern sun". Erankar, an elf infamous for his defiance and disregard of fate, dismissed this as pointless, for the sun already rose in the east.\n\nIn 1516, the Jaherian Exemplars landed in South Aelantir, planning to march into Taychend and spread the truth of Surael. They found an environment ripe for disruption, as the current king of Larankar, a descendant of Erankar the Defiant, had fallen ill and was incapable of ruling. Using this brief period of weakness, the subjugated lords of Kalavend allied themselves with the Sun Elves, and launched an uprising against Larankar.\n\nAs the Kalavendhi-Exemplar alliance marched to Urvand, Larankar’s armies resisted fiercely. The siege of Urvand lasted a year, with the Sun Elves taking the city, freeing its slaves, and razing the capital. Larankar’s empire had fallen. Yet not all hope was lost, as the alliance quickly turned on each other, giving Urvand the respite it needed to rebuild. A century passed, but eventually Urvand persevered, and could shine once more.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

-30% Unjustified Demands