Arverynnic Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Last Haven of the Ynnic EmpireThe city of Arverynn is a wonder to behold. Protected by the Ynn River on its western side and by a ring of walls all around, the Lower Town and its many houses leave space for cherry trees to grow and offer their shade, a gift from the lords of Grebniesth from back when Dolindha was still loyal to the Empire. Above the trees rise our picturesque elf-towers with floral motifs carved on their sides, which are actually loopholes for archers to shoot through. Connecting the towers is a series of suspended walkways, which link up with the inner walls of the Upper Town.\n\nAtop Vyrisar Hill, the Upper Town houses the nobles, the barracks, and the supreme Teal Keep. This older core was built by will of Emperor Calrodiy I in the year 900 after Flood, for he desired a capital on the eastern bank of the Ynn River near the frontier with Veykoda, where it has stood, atop its great artificial mound, as a shield and beacon of Ynnic civilization even in the dark times of the collapse of the Empire.
+20% Garrison Size

The Return of the EmperorRejoice, for the rightful Emperor has returned! Year 1386 was a date to remember, for it was the year Calrodiy IV, last scion of the Vyrekynn dynasty tracing its lineage back to Calrodiy I, made his rightful return to Arverynn, chasing away the pretender lordling that was oppressing it. After the liberation, celebrations went on for weeks. A parade was held, the hippodrome and the arena were reopened, and even the poorest peasants in the nearby countryside experienced something they hadn't felt in a long time: hope.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Veykodan PomentereHaving passed Arvezl and Horpanas, descending from the eastern overlands enveloped by mist, a regular stream of warriors and adventurers pours into the streets of Arverynn… but only after paying homage to the guards and laws of Arverynn. These fortune-seekers are the rune-painted people of Veykoda, wielders of unspeakable magic, tamers of terrorizing beasts, and, while in a more prosperous era they would have fought for our entertainment in the arena, they will fight for us as auxiliaries - Pomentere - and unleash their magic against our enemies now.
+8% Mercenary Discipline

The Vyrekynn CourtCarodin II, having inherited a destitute city, no army to speak of, and an empire to reclaim, knew that he could not rely purely on the ways of old, and so he combined them with the new. Old court titles were repurposed and granted to loyal servants of the Empire, along with generous wages, lands, and a close position to the emperor. Uniquely, these would revert back to imperial hands upon the death of the holder rather than transferring to the next of kin. This allowed the emperors to keep a loyal court of skilled advisors, many of which were scions of other great houses with little chance at inheritance, granting Arverynn ties to much of the Ynn.
+10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

The Great Fire of ArverynnThis is not a story the dragon cultists would tell you. Their "god", the so-called "Drozmagog", was nothing more than a beaten-down old lizard when farmers loyal to the Ynnic Empire first discovered him. Too injured to fight or fly, he was put into chains and taken to Arverynn, where he was healed for some time and sold to the arena.\n\nThe dragon won several arena showdowns, proving himself very hard to kill, and gained quite a following… said following unfortunately grew out of hand, as they were corrupted by cultists of Malenvijer who had infiltrated their ranks. Acting with the cover of the night, crazed fanatics entered the pits of the arena and broke the chains keeping the dragon in place, and as he flew up in the sky, he vengefully breathed several clouds of fire onto the city's districts before flying away.\n\nOur water mages battled the flames for three days, fighting street to street to contain them, and by the end of it Arverynn was left in ashes and ruins. Countless inhabitants were dead or homeless, while the dragon had fled west in the lands of the Epednar.\n\nIt was the year 1028, and our soldiers and generals swiftly set out: they searched far and wide for the dragon through the wilderness, capturing any tribe that would get in the way and sending them to Arverynn to toil for its reconstruction. By the end of next year, Arverynn was rebuilt anew, while Drozmagog fled into hiding. Today Drozmagog is dead, while Arverynn keeps prospering.
-10% Development Cost

The MyrsarnikThe Myrsarnik (literally "Keepers of the Empire's Peace") are the imperial functionaries who allowed the Ynnic Empire to flourish, overseeing the construction of the Great Dams, surveying and administrating the realms to ensure everything was working at peak efficiency. While everyone remembers the grand emperors with their mighty achievements, the Myrsarnik were the ones who maintained the constant flow of the Ynnic bureaucracy. Even now that the rest of the Empire is ruled by the great feudal houses of the Ynn, the Myrsarnik still serve dutifully in our realm, and aid towards the reclamation of the Ynnic Empire.
+10% Governing Capacity Modifier

Veykodan TributariesPraise the Ynn, for we have been truly blessed! After centuries of enduring sieges by eastern barbarians, civilization has been brought to the Veykodan overlands. And what a diverse civilization this is, offering a cornucopia of goods and peoples: tobacco grown by affable halflings, jewels forged by trailblazing dwarves, and ivory toys crafted by free-minded hunstmen.\n\nArverynn’s fluvial connection, forking near Arvezl into the Cydynn, Heranynn and Galynn rivers, allow these goods and many more to flow directly into our capital, along with taxes from our loyal subjects. Most fittingly, in the Cannorians’ language the word for minor river also means giver of tribute!
+25% Income from Vassals

+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium