Juzornic Ideas

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+2% Missionary Strength
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Dragon-Slayer DynastyOur lordship's most famous ruler is without the hint of a doubt Lord Artorean, part of the Alliance of Knightly Lords. After helping defeat the Great Heathen Host at the Battle of Lisicalrevo, Artorean led a party all the way to the western mountains where he and his valiant companions cornered Drozmagog, the false god - the dragon of the Rzentur - and slew it. The dynasty of Arganjuzorn can thus trace its lineage to one of the greatest heroes the Ynn has ever seen, and its rulers don with pride the scale helmet Artorean fashioned out of the head of the dragon, as they swing Dracball, the leaf-red sword he used to vanquish it.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

The Revenant BattalionArganjuzorn's history begins in 1076 with the tenth battalion of the Ynnic Empire. Cut off from the main Imperial army and deep within the heart of Epednar territory, the battalion barricaded in the outpost of Mara Luar as it was swarmed by the largest horde of Epednar the Ynn had ever seen. Everyone assumed the battalion was dead.\n\nIt was thus to everyone's surprise when their banners appeared from the horizon a century later, held up high by the daughters and sons of the original battalion, as they charged into the army of the Sarda emperor Varamel and turned the tide of the battle in favour of the Dolindhans. Jearcad, King of the Dolindhans and rightful Emperor, knighted the leader of the battalion and named him Lord of Arganjuzorn, the Southern Border, which stood since then to mark the border with Sarda.
+5% Discipline

Epednar CrossmountA hybrid between the Dolindhan antler horse of the forests and the lightweight Epednar horse of the prairies, the Epednar Crossmount is a midweight horse with long, single-point antlers that fall off and regrow at a quick rate. Other Dolindhan lords of the Alliance called Artorean "crazy" for riding such an outlandish horse. They were proven wrong when Artorean rode ahead of them and chased the dragon for days, galloping through hills and slopes thanks to the animal's agility and endurance.\n\nWhile lacking in raw power, crossmount riders are able to launch more charges without tiring out during the course of a battle, and, when situations call for unknightly tactics, they particularly excel at harassing marching armies and their supply trains.
+25% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+5% Recover Army Morale Speed

The Lost Archives of VelikvabThe Archives of Velikvab were dedicated to the history of the Ynn, its inhabitants and their cultures. Founded in the sixth century after Flood, they contained pieces from further back, like Hrolatas's very first account on the Epednar from 350, Pelovit's detailed chronicles of the Hundred Years' Uprising told from both Vareynn's and Malacnar's perspectives, the constitution of the Trojvare league from 204 and even texts from before the Ending Flood such as the theories of Telaryos yen Arafthil, a powerful water mage who argued water was the most magical of elements.\n\nHowever, these texts would be the Archives' downfall, as in 1023 the western bank of the Ynn was seized by the fanatical movement of the Mun Pienik, who sang to the moon in an attempt to bring forth the second Ending Flood. Seeing the world of present and past as irredeemably evil, they targeted the Archives for containing memories of the world and its sins, and blasted the building into the Ynn River.\n\nSome books could be salvaged, but most were lost or made unreadable after they had been fished out of the Ynn. No effort was made to restore those books, but recently some councillors have advised our Lord that, with the arrival of so many new people to the Epednan prairie, new Archives detailing their differences would be most useful. While we may never restore those unreadable books, we can seek knowledge from our neighbours, and see if their stories match with ours and can be used to help reconstruct them; perhaps, along the process, we will accumulate so much new knowledge, the resulting Archives will be even greater than the old ones.
-5% Diplomatic Technology Cost
+10% Institution Spread

Ebenmas ContractIn 1560 Lord Elrad of Arganjuzorn received a dream where he was helped by an Ebenmasser builder to save his fiefdom from the Ending Flood. Immediately he rode to Ebenmas to sign an exclusivity deal with its mayor: the only pioneers allowed to work in Arganjuzorn from then on would be the ones from Ebenmas, and they would receive a fixed wage that was above the average of the time.\n\nWhile many considered this a foolish deal, the ensuing decade would be contemporary with the Crimson Deluge in Escann, and it would see the Ynn River flood more violently than it did in centuries. While most watermills were swept away by its fury, those built by Ebenmasser pioneers had been engineered with the utmost professionalism to not only withstand it, but even harness it.
+10% Production Efficiency

River DruidsArtorean's sword, Dracball, was gifted to him by an enigmatic figure known as the "Autumn Mage" for the season he would perform his magic in. The mage spent much of his time travelling between Stantirshalas and Arganjuzorn, enchanting the crops of farmers who offered him hospitality.\n\nRecently we have determined that the mage came from a land beyond the western mountains, whose inhabitants attune with nature and the seasons in order to perform various feats of magic. We will invite some of these seasonal druids to our court, and see if they can help Ynnic druids master their own craft at attuning with the River.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Masters of the Border CrossingWhere Vels Bacar and Mocvare may control the waters, Arganjuzorn controls the land. Our contacts with the Auvu and Dooahtin tribes ensure that we never miss out on any attempt to circumvent our borders through the unsettled hinterlands, whether it be by an army, by a person or a travelling party.\n\n"Before I left Vels Bacar, the Lord bid me farewell and warned me of the ongoing war in Arganjuzorn, and that if the Juzornic cavalry were to catch sight of me, I would only leave after parting with all I had. Taking his advice, I ordered Ivrandir to cast an invisibility spell on me and the party, and we took a deviation to stop following the course of the Ynn River, moving northwest further inland to skirt along Arganjuzorn's borders.\n\nEvidently, that wasn't enough, for I was ambushed (…)\nWhen I woke up, my hands were tied and I was on a carriage, and I couldn't see my party anywhere. Instead, in front of me sat a blonde Ruinborn, his hands also tied, and he spoke to me in Dolindhan. «Ej, sti. Kragni sti fuirdan. Odhisaku sti chirst tenica, prjav?» Seeing the confusion on my face, the Ruinborn began speaking Common. «Fall into Juzornic ambush, like me, like thief there.»"\n\n-Report on the Ynn River and its People, Adrien síl Terr, Cannorian Explorer, 1557
+10% Caravan Power
+1 Attrition for Enemies

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre