Kinvefireli Ideas

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+15% Galley Combat Ability
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

The Five Western SistersKinvefirel or ‘’the Five Western Sisters" is the name for five Sun Elven provinces on the shores of the Gulf of Glass: Eduz-Wez, Agšelum, Eduz-szel-Ninezim, Fajabahar and Pir Aíl. These provinces harbor the majority of the Sun Elven population of Bahar, where they have adopted a more urban, trade and artisan-centric lifestyle compared to their agrarian cousins in Imulušes.\n\nWhile Aqatbar is the biggest trade center of the Gulf of Glass, the influence of the Five Sisters shouldn't be underestimated. Eduz-Wez and Fajabahar are the greatest shipyards of Bahar, and Agšelum’s wine, Eduz-szel-Ninezim’s incense and Pir Aíl’s carpets are very valuable trade goods, in high demand among the merchants that roam the Gulf’s waters.
+10% Global Trade Power

Shipmasters of BaharThe forests of Bahar are the main source of timber for Bulwar, and most Bulwari ships were historically built in the shipyards of Fajabahar and Eduz-Wez. Most of the coastal cities in Fajabahar have massive shipyards constantly building and restoring ships for the many countries of the eastern Divenhal, and shipments of timber depart daily from the province capital towards the dwarven hold of Ovdal Tûngr and the southern lands of Kheterata.\n\nOn the other hand, the city-monastery of Eduz-Wez focuses on the fabrication of the massive elven-style warships, each one made by woodworkers with centuries of experience, following techniques that predate even the Migrant Fleet.
+10% Ship Hull Size

Legacy of AzkaelišThe small Pir Aíl was once the mighty Azkaeliš, one of the most powerful Bulwari city-states and rival to Aqatbar and Azka-szel Azka, but the city - alongside most of the island - sunk into the Gulf of Glass during the Day of Ashen Skies, and the island remained mostly uninhabited until the Sun Elves arrived.\n\nOutside of the walls of Pir Aíl, the island is full of ruins of temples and palaces, massive buildings of several stories with terraces filled with columns and gardens built from stone and ceramic brick. These are a reminder that not only the Elves lost their home during the Ashen Skies. But the legacy of Azkaeliš lives on in the new inhabitants of the city, as many motifs and architectural styles found in the ruins were imitated to build the new settlements.
-1% Prestige Decay

The Temple of MedicineOne of the oldest temples of Bahar, Eduz-szel-Ninezim was originally dedicated to Ninu, daughter of Surael and goddess of Medicine. The complex fell into disrepair when the people of the province abandoned the Cult of the Ešeral Mitellu in favor of the Cult of Birsartan.\n\nWhen the Sun Elves settled the province, many of their eldest made the temple their home and turned it into a monastery. With the passage of time, the monastery was surrounded by a thriving city, and in honor of the goddess of old, a hospital was established in one of the annexes of the temple. Open to everyone in need of medical attention, the Sun Elves of Eduz-szel-Ninezim spend their last century giving care to the sick, and making medicine for those in need.
+15% Average Monarch Lifespan
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Goblin PatronageThe wine of Agšelum was famous in every port of the eastern Divenhal as the wine of the sailors, but the province’s vineyards suffered from droughts and goblin invasion during the Decades of Devastation, to the point that barely half a thousand barrels of wine were produced in the entire province during this time. During the Decades of Restoration, after Perkuz became the leader of Marblehead, a lot of effort was put into restoring the vineyards and cellars of Agšelum.\n\nMany goblins who became wealthy thanks to the plundering invested their riches in the restored vineyards, and the first batch of wine was dedicated to Surael and to Perkuz the Restorer.
+10% Production Efficiency

Liranian BunzuirEven after the tragedy of Samartal and the chaos of the New Sun Cult, the elves of Kinvefir continued with their mission as Chosen of Surael, and guided the peoples of Bahar during the darkness of the early Goblin rule to the best of their ability. However, the efforts of Perkuz to create a stable and prosperous kingdom made the Kinvefiri more willing to accept the truths of the Jadd, as they saw the Darkness of the Decades of Devastation being dispelled from the forests of Bahar.\n\nThis happened thanks to the efforts of Liranian Bunzuir, a Desert Elf from the Mašnsih city of Edešukeru, a former ship builder turned missionary, who spent a century traveling in the Five Sisters, converting people to the truth of the Jadd and preaching about the equality of all races under Surael’s Light.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Resistance to RavelianismWith the spread of artificery, Ravelianism became a popular religion among the goblins of wider Bahar, and their focus on pragmatic scholarship led to widespread and early adoption of this new approach to magic. The Sun Elves and Bulwari of the Five Sisters, however, saw this Cannorian Religion as dangerous, since it lacked the community focus and virtues that they believed the Sun Cult provided. While most didn’t care about the dangers of Ravelianism to Bulwari culture, the inhabitants of the Five Sisters cared, and in cities like Eduz-Wez and Eduz-szel-Ninezim, Ravelianism was prohibited, their lodges and temples were closed, and some of its followers were persecuted, expelled and in some cases, killed. While the Five Sisters were able to ban Ravelianism for a while, the Overboss declared Ravelianism an accepted religion in the Overclan, ending the ban and persecutions, at least officially.
+50% Prestige per Development From Conversion

+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability