Nansaleni Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Nanša the FarseerAccording to the songs, the first matriarch of Nanšalen was Nanša the Farseer, the daughter of Firanya and Gelum-širharu, a powerful mage and ruler of the Pešakizzu; the ancestors of the Gelkar. She had light bluish gray feathers, black hair and red irises, characteristics shared by most Nanšaleni harpies, and she had inherited a great power from her mother and was trained in the arts of farseeing and soothsaying by her father. By the time she reached adulthood, she had surpassed both, and it is said that she could see everything that happened in the Hills; in the past, the present as well as in the future.\n\nTo this day, the gift and art of farseeing is common between the Nanšaleni Harpies; even between those who lack magical abilities.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Gate of BulwarAfter Firanya’s death, Nanša took control of the eastern hills, including the important Invader’s Pass which links Bulwar with the Forbidden Plains.\n\nFor millennia, the Nanšaleni controlled who entered Bulwar, inviting the nomadic peoples of the Forbidden Plains, human and centaur alike, to invade the Suran several times throughout history, causing the rise and fall of kingdoms at their whim. But war was not the only thing that went through the gates of Bulwar: a trade route that linked Bulwar with the Lake Federation was established after king Araš VIII and matriarch Ninšara’s expedition to the Serpent’s Gift in 552 AA. While the route declined centuries later, the centaurs of the Serpent’s Gift kept trading with Nanšalen, providing magical materials from the beasts of the plains and šilphalim, a herb popular in Bulwar utilized both in alchemy and as an aphrodisiac.\n\nThe control over the gate made the matriarchs of Nanšalen ludicrously wealthy and influential between the flocks of the hills and helped them withstand the sands of time.
+10% Global Trade Power

The MahdariThe Mahdari are the royal guard of the matriarch, an elite group of warriors that march to battle as if they were parading, dressed with blue and gold tunics below the scale armor and adorning helmets covered in silver feathers.\n\nTheir weapon of choice are the bow and arrow, and they are known as some of the best archers in all of Bulwar. Contrary to other harpies, they prefer to shoot from the ground, where they can better utilize their long composed bows made with Tlalusk’s horns, one of the few materials that allow a harpy to use their full strength with a bow, which gives them more range and accuracy.\n\nThe name Mahdari is Bulwari for Immortal, since it is believed that none of the Mahdari ever died on battle, although the real origin of the word is unclear. As the royal guards of the matriarch, they participated in many battles in the Suran plain, the Serpent’s Gift and even Kheterata and the gnoll lands south of the Salahad during Araš VIII’ expeditions.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Royal HarpiesThe Nanšaleni harpies are nicknamed "Royal Harpies" by the Bulwari due to their ties to Akalšes, since the matriarchs of Nanšalen also descend from Araš the First King and the two families are considered one. Ever since the Bulwari Renaissance, when the kings of Akalšes ruled over the plain and the matriarchs of Nanšalen ruled over the hills, it has been customary for every new matriarch to be crowned by the king of Akalšes and, in return, every new king is crowned by the matriarch of Nanšalen.\n\nThe matriarchs of Nanšalen wear a crown similar to the Akalšesi one, made of cobalt and silver, and decorated with sapphires from Gemisle. A work of Dwarven craftsmanship, it was commissioned by king Araš VIII to the artisans of Verkal Gulan as a crowning gift for his half-sister, Matriarch Ninšara.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Sky-Blue PalaceWealthy due to the trade with the plains, matriarch Ninšara used her treasures to build a new capital for her flock. Built on the source of the Hatatun river, with easy access to both the Suran plain and the Invader’s Pass, Vainviria became Nanšalen’s majestic roost.\n\nThe city is built on several terraces, with the Hatatun falls splitting the city in two. The lower levels are home to bazaars, warehouses and the residences of the human and dwarven inhabitants, while the middle ones, only accessible by flying or via the four massive lifts built by the engineers of Hehodovar, contain the residences of the harpies. The upper level, on the other hand, is dominated by gardens and is home to the palace that gives the roost its name, the Sky-Blue Palace, the residence of the Matriarchs of Nanšalen.
-10% Construction Cost

Divine Duty of QueensCenturies ago, the matriarchs of Nanšalen converted to the Sun Cult due to their relation with Akalšes and adopted the version of the Cult practiced there: the Cult of Kings. This sect of the cult believed that the King of Akalšes was Chosen by Surael to unite all of Bulwar. This belief, called the divine duty of Kings, was shared by the Nanšaleni harpies, which developed a parallel called the divine duty of Queens. For the Nanšaleni, their matriarch was Chosen by Surael to unite harpykind under her wing and to help the ruler of Akalšes to create peace in Surael’s garden.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Legacy of NinšaraNinšara is the name given to the daughters of the matriarch that are born in the summer solstice and, in the same vein as Araš for Akalšes, the Nanšaleni believe that a Ninšara is destined for great deeds.\n\nNinšara II was born on the same day as Araš X, and both lived through the final stages of the Age of Cinders; and the rise of the Jadd. While nominally a subject of the Ayara flock, who united the harpies of the Harpy Hills, she tried to do as much as possible to remain autonomous. Eventually, during the Jaddari-Akalšesi war, she even went to help their ally and kin, defying the Ayara matriarch in the process. At the age of 67 years, she commanded the Mahdari in the battle of Traz-Buranun, where she lost a wing to Zokka Devourer-of-Darkness.\n\nLike Araš X, she died to Andrellion, Jaddar’s firstborn son, during the last charge of the Anahallapti, fighting at horseback alongside her kin.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

+1 Land Leader Shock