Windtower Ideas

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+15% Galley Combat Ability
+20% Improve Relations

Ex Aleceria Ad Necevitas“Ex Aleceria Ad Necevitas” is an old Damerian expression that translates as “From Wesdam to Neckcliff” and references Windtower’s domains within the Damerian Republic. It was first coined in 230 BA, when the luminary Aleces Veridis reported to the Damerian parliament the result of his campaign in the West Dameshead, declaring that Windtower now extended from Wesdam to Neckcliff. Even as Windtower’s domain continued to expand and covered most of West Dameshead, the expression remained in use. Today, it serves as further proof of our legitimate claim over the region.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Legacy of the LuminariesThe First War of the Cerulean League was a turning point in Cannorian antiquity that paved the way for the rise of the Damerian Republic. The first victory of the league was achieved by Windtower, then known as Carmeris, without spilling a drop of blood. Leveraging its good reputation with Redfort, Carmeris secured the neutrality of the Castanorian exclave, allowing the league to focus east.\n\n Carmeris’ diplomatic exploit would continue, managing to convince Redfort to join the league and take part in the Second War of the Cerulean League against Castanor. As part of the Damerian Republic, Carmeris often led the republic’s diplomatic effort, with many Carmeri being elected as luminaries thanks to their mastery of the art of diplomacy. Of all the great men and women in its past, it is their legacy that Windtower follows.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Windward DistrictThe Windward District of Dockbridge is one of the oldest shipyards in West Dameshead, built by the Damerian Republic when the city was known as Admirca. Its role was to take advantage of the nearby Deruwren forest and its ancient wood, renown for its solidity. The availability of high-quality timbers attracted many shipwrights to Dockbridge, and quickly the Windward District became one of the busiest shipyards in the Damerian Republic, able to construct more durable ships than its rival in the Dameshead. For Windtower, the Windward District is a prized possession, one that links it to its glorious past and one that will help it build its equally glorious future.
+5% Ship Durability

The Silversea TempleThe West Dameshead, despite recognizing the authority of the High Luminary, follow a different version of the cult of The Dame and Munas. Named after its main temple in Windtower, the Silversea Temple does not praise The Dame as a goddess of harvest, having the position filled by a minor deity called Meris, a goddess originating in the region’s Lencori past. Instead, the temple focuses on The Dame as a goddess of knowledge and magic.\n\nThe temple is renowned for its study of celestial objects; the knowledge obtained is a great help to both its priests, who use it to divine the future with more accuracy, and the region's many sailors, who are always thankful for the detailed star charts that the temple can provide.
-5% Diplomatic Technology Cost
+10% Trade Steering

The WindtowerStanding tall above the sea, our namesake is one of Cannor's oldest buildings. Even before the Damerian Republic was born, the Windtower reached into the sky, a temple to the Eidoueni goddess Merisse.\n\nHowever, the temple lost its purpose as the Eidoueni faith waned and Merisse lost influence over the Dame, in part due to the rise in the number of mages.\n\nIt found a new use as the headquarters of the Silverwind Order and its mage-priests. They used the tower as a repository of magic knowledge, keeping artifacts coming from all around the republic and maintaining a library of spells to study, from the ritual performed before the Day of Ashen Sky to skaldic stories brought over by the Gerudians.\n\nDuring the thirteenth century, the order joined other mage organizations in a coalition whose aim was to end the bloodshed plaguing central Cannor. And so rose the Magisterium, with the Windtower as its base in the West Dameshead.
-10% Advisor Cost

The Sea TourneyOf all the spectacles Cannor has to offer, few are as unique as the Windtower Great Sea Tourney. Beginning on the eighth of Bloomsend and lasting two months, the Great Sea Tourney is a competition that does not aim to test the martial prowess of a single individual, like its traditional counterpart, but the coordination of an entire crew and the capacity of its captain to effectively lead it.\n\nThe many teams compete in a multitude of events, ranging from water jousts and sailing races to naval mock battles. It culminates during Lansday, the last day of the tournament, during which the different teams race each other to accomplish a landing operation before joining the celebration.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Who Commands the Wind, Commands the SeaThe Damerian Republic owed much of its success to its control of the sea, obtained thanks to two elements: the republic’s powerful navy, which allowed its influence to spread all around the Divenhal, and its mages. The Good Wind ritual, a magic ritual Windtower was particularly fond of, gave the republic, among other things, favorable sailing conditions and a clear advantage at sea.\n\nThe Day of Ashen Sky was a particular setback for the Damerian Republic, as its old magic was now lost. It came, however, with a great opportunity, one that the republic would, in time, fully exploit. The rise of a more modern form of magic and the increased number of magically gifted people allow the republic to restore its lost might. Mages were and still are in Windtower, trained for naval warfare; their power insured good winds for the republic’s navies and storms for its enemies.
+10% Naval Morale Damage

+2 Tolerance of Heretics