Jazhkredu Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
-2 National Unrest

Standing TallDecades of fighting and those dumb adventurers and smelly orcs still think us goblins are a bunch of cowards. Yeah, sure, we cut and run when we know we’re dying for nothing. But that’s just common sense, at least for goblins.\n\nNow though? Now’s different. We got something no goblin before us gots before - home. A place we can call our own. A place that no one can take if we don’t let’em. So come at us. We’re not running no more.
+15% Morale of Armies

Our ParadiseJazhkredu means "great home" or "paradise" in Goblin. It doesn’t take a naegub to get why. What else would you call a place where you can wake up every day to the warmth of the sun, earn coin ‘stead of some adventurer’s or orc’s lash when you work, and go to bed with a full belly?\n\nBut don’t start getting no ideas. Jazhkredu means “great home” or “paradise” in Goblin. A paradise for goblins by goblins. We don’t care who or what you are, but if you ain’t goblin, you ain’t living here.
-25% Culture Conversion Cost
-25% Culture Conversion Time

Shivs to SpadesLife in the Serpentspine is something no goblin here has to worry about any more, but that don’t mean we forgot our people’s time there. Those mountains are why siblings are seen as rivals. Why every neighbor eyes another with suspicion. Why holding a shiv comes as naturally to goblins as creating the next great artifice. In those wretched caverns, there were always too many goblins and not enough resources. If you wanted to live, you had to show it. Every day. \n\nYeah, we learned that lesson real good. Even out here in Escann, half of us still look at the other half with a shiv’s glint in their eye. And that’s after we got our freedom and won our home. Well, no more. Every goblin can get theirs. As long as they're willing to work for it.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

The Chained CircleUs goblins are a competitive group. Yeah, we’re all on the same team in Jazhkredu, but everyone wants a little more, you know? Back when we were just individual clans, it was easier - the clanboss was the best so they got the most. And if they took too much, then the rest of us took it back. Now? It’s not so simple. We’ve got a bunch of clanbosses, nevermind the shaman and the merchant naegub.\n\nLuckily our first Bigboss figured out a way out of this problem - a chained circle where each chain keeps the other in place. Let’s start with the shamans. Our laws let them freely scry on the clanbosses. Any clanbosses that get too big for their britches will be quickly humiliated as their secrets get out. Of course, if the shamans decide to go too far, then the naegub can simply raise the prices on their reagents. And if the naegub get a little too greedy, then the clanbosses can smack them until coin falls out their pockets. And on and on. It’s simple and effective, the goblin way.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

Izmen’karuEven after we gathered up the clans and brought them together, they didn’t just up and disappear. No, they became a part of our new paradise. Why? Because us goblins know that everything can be the right part of the right device. And for the clans that device is the Izmen’karu.\n\nDingdongs using straight translations would call them “clan exchanges” but those with a brain would realize they’re more like the universities over in the Empire. Like those universities, we set up departments of learning with each department led by a clan. From there, the smartest of those clans can exchange clever techniques with other clans, as well as educate upcoming goblin students.
+1 Possible Advisors
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Doka’patiParadise is earned not given. It took a lot of work to make this all happen and the last thing we need is a bunch of slacking goblins who think being born here or even a goblin is good enough. Slackers who can’t make themselves useful are gonna get tossed.\n\nHow do we decide who stays and who gets thrown out? Simple, earn your doka’pati ("proof of usefulness" for those Common speaking outsiders) by showing your worth. It ain’t hard. There are a thousand ways to earn it. Show you know your way around an artificer's workshop to the local naegub. Or if you are too dumb to invent then show your cunning as a soldier to a clanboss. Or if you got a bit of magic touch find a shaman to sponsor you. Don’t matter if you’re a goblin growing up here or someone wanting in, just make sure you earned your place.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Tribute To The TrufflesniffersThere once was a goblin named Soz Trufflesniffer\nWhose entry to paradise\nWas by how the mushrooms he could differ\n\nIn paradise Soz found his love\nWith seven children and happiness\nTo which he could never tire of\n\nBut then the war against paradise came\nAnd his three oldest left\nNever to return, to his aging heart’s shame\n\nNext went the middle three\nWho promised to fight and win\nBut won nothing but grief\n\nThere was no time to mourn\nFor the enemy had arrived\nSo Soz fought to defend his last born\n\nThe homestead was burned\nThe war was lost\nLeft to ashes it turned\n\nBut do not cry for his sacrifice\nSoz is gone but his child survives\nTo fight on for paradise\n
+8% Reinforce Speed
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

-15% State Maintenance