Earworm Ideas

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+50% Looting Speed
-25% Military Advisor Cost

Strike a ChordWhile most goblins were used during the Greentide as expendable skirmishers, forced to charge against lines of Escanni spears, some lucky goblins avoided this fate by being forced to entertain the orcish warriors that returned victorious from battle, mainly through song and music. The performances they'd give to their masters would often favor one warlord over another, shaming dreadful defeats while exalting hard-fought victories.\n\nThe boldest even sought to entertain not only the orcs they served but also their fellow goblins. Cunningly hiding insults towards their masters underneath compliments, many songs created during those times mock known orcish heroes, with Dookanson himself being a popular source of inspiration. It was dangerous, for whenever the insults were recognized, a brutal death came to those who had spoken them – but it was a petty defiance that many goblins relished in.\n\nAfter the Battle of Rottenstep, as the Greentide lay disorganized, these same goblins, who once served as entertainers, were quick to scatter alongside their brethren. Most of these who fled, however, eventually banded together once more in southern Escann, under the banner of the Earworm Clan. United by their shared love for music, the Earworm goblins now sing out of tradition instead of the orcish yoke on their necks.
+20% Improve Relations

Goblins Sneaky TacticsWe goblins were nothing but fodder to the Dookanson, used as flimsy meat shields. And while we were slaughtered by adventurer firearms, the orcs mindlessly charged after the first barrage, running over every dying goblin and bringing them to an agonising end.\n\n Now that we are free, this will no longer be. We will fight as we learned in the darkness of the caverns, cleverly hiding and attacking with poisoned arrows, ambushing enemy leaders and bleeding their armies. This is the way of goblin warfare, and it is the way we will forever follow as long as we are free.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Tone DeafOften exchanging insults and barbs with each other, the Earworm goblins find pleasure in practicing their words to perfection, especially in public, where all can hear and appreciate them. Perhaps due to this, Earworm performances often come at the expense of others, with their songs and tales mocking the enemies of the clan, the singer’s own rivals, or anyone else unfortunate enough to draw their attention.\n\nOf all insults, calling a fellow Earworm goblin ‘tone deaf’ is considered to be the most serious one. This is perhaps because in Dookanson's time, one did not live long if their music was not pleasing, with a horrid performance often causing someone to be sent straight to the frontlines.\n\nMany Earworm goblins have found themselves dead after particularly heated arguments where their tongues were quicker than their minds and an exchange of insults went too far.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Life Under The Blue SkyThough still a hostile place with our former captors and adventurers still lurking, Escann is a much more pleasant place to live than the Serpentspine, with its lush forests and serene lakes. Here, we need not fight over any source of food or water for there is plenty for all.\n\n With this bounty has come changes among the clans. The ancient traditions celebrated in the darkness of the caves are now festivals in the sunlight and under the shadow of ancient ruined temples consecrated to the many gods of mankind. In this beautiful place, we gblins can create something better than our ancient homeland. Perhaps we found a home at last.
-2 National Unrest

Looting For KnowledgeEscann is not only rich in food and resources, but also knowledge. Among the old human ruins are books, scrolls and all manner of written stuffs that survived the desolation brought by the Dookanson. All as valuable as any other loot.\n\n However, these texts are written in a language unlike the crude tongue of the Dwarves we came to grudgingly learn. If we are to make use of this treasure we must decipher this language. Fortunately, we goblins are equally cunning and intelligent. To learn this "common" script, we will capture those adventurers who can and force them to teach us the language of humanity, and learn from the knowledge left by those who inhabited these beautiful lands before us
-5% Idea Cost
-3% Technology Cost

The NaegubWith the progressive modernisation of the clans, a new social class is emerging, created by those goblins who are considered within the clan to be the most astute and have the best manners, as well as having managed to adapt more quickly to the language of humanity than their congeners. They are the Naegub.\n\n Ranging from merchants to negotiators and even diplomats, they act as the link between the clan and the realms of the other civilised races. They are involved in every transaction and negotiation, be they commercial or political, always wringing the most they can for the clan (and themselves). As such, it is a role of great power. Something that garners immense respect, and envy, within the clan.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Music BossesWhile in most goblin clans, the Clanboss is merely expected to be the smartest and most cunning, in the Earworm clan, the Clanboss is also expected to have a firm grasp over all traditional goblin instruments and songs.\n\nThis is more out of necessity than anything else, as more than one Clanboss has been forced to vacate their position after suffering humiliation due to a subordinate’s scathing tongue. Meetings between the upper ranks of the Earworm often begin with bouts and performances, as the Clanboss hurriedly addresses the newest slander that has been thrown at him by aspiring and talented goblins who eye his position with avarice. Whether the Clanboss is able to address the insults thrown at him is judged carefully by all who are present, and more than one Earworm goblin has risen to the position of Clanboss over their just as capable rivals due to being a more renowned performer.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

+10% Global Trade Power