Gabmorionner Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+1 Diplomats

Castle in the WoodsIn the vast Esmari woodlands, deep within the heart of the city of Gabmórionn, stood a beautiful castle. This castle was home to a witch. Not a cruel or evil witch, but a kindly one named Isobel. The people shielded her and her studies from the prying eyes of the world, and in exchange she protected them from those who sought to bring them harm. She wouldn't have had it any other way.
+20% Fort Defence

All the Countess's ChildrenCountess Isobel never had any children, but she did adopt a great many orphans over the years whom she loved as her own. Those who displayed an aptitude for magic were shown how to harness their magical abilities. When she died, a group of her children, aptly known as the Countess' Children, continued her legacy. Together they housed and educated orphans in all manner of subjects, including magic, as she had done for them.
-10% Advisor Cost

Rholych MovementBeginning in the 18th century, the Rholych movement changed the status quo in the worlds of art and architecture. This new style was known for its curves and fluid designs and originated here in Gabmórionn. The name "Rholych" itself comes from the elven word for circle. It was commonly associated with extravagance, plenitude and decadence, with instances of Rholych architecture featuring in many palaces built in the middle 18th century.
-1% Prestige Decay

A Song of Flowers and TreesA Song of Flowers and Trees was composed by a reclusive yet eccentric Esmari composer after spending a day wandering in the woods of Gabmórionn. They wrote the song the following morning in a moment of temporary, psychotic genius. It was performed a week later at court, moving everyone, including the stalwart and normally stoic palace guards, and soon spread all across Esmar.
-1 National Unrest
+1 Monthly Splendour

A Quaint LifeWhile the Esmari have a reputation of being loud, boisterous, and rowdy, this reputation does not quite reflect the Gabmórionner way of life. Our people are a simple one, who prefer to live life without needless complexities nor frivolities. It is no surprise that this simple mindset has resulted in the people of Gabmórionn being some of the happiest people in Esmar.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Fall of the Artificer QueenIt was during the Age of Artificers that Gabmórionn came under the rule of Countess Thalia of Telgier, a devious Ravelian artificer who saw no value in the beauty of the land—only space for industry. Factories replaced the rolling hillocks. The woodlands were cut down. Many accepted the new fate of the land, but not all. One of those was Nicola the Small, a Countess' Child, who took up arms against Thalia and led the rebellion with kindness and generosity. It was a hard and drawn out struggle, but in the end they prevailed, and the dark clouds of industry were dispelled from Gabmórionn.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Gabmórionn TextilesHigh fashion has existed in Esmaria for the longest time, and has been the origin of a great many trends over the ages. However, the common folk rarely had access to such luxuries. This all changed during the Age of Artificers, when mass production of both textile and cloth brought high fashion to the masses of the lower class.
+10% Production Efficiency

+1 Yearly Devotion+1 Yearly Horde Unity+1 Yearly Legitimacy+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition