Uelairey Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
-10% Ship Costs

The Sons of the SeaThe county of Uelaire is named in honor of Uelos the Storm King, a primordial who was defeated by the gods of the Regent Court. According to the Cannorian Creation myth, it was Uelos who created the lakes, seas and oceans, only to sink beneath them in mourning of his sister Halanna. Uelaire was founded by the mercenary captain Eustace and his followers, the land being given to them as payment for their service after the resounding victory over the fleet of Black Castanor in the battle of the Damesteeth during the War of the Sorcerer-King. Being founded by sailors had a profound effect on our culture, and these traditions have not been forgotten. Uelaire has maintained itself as a naval power in the Dameshead, and the skill of our sailors is known throughout Cannor.
+20% Galley Combat Ability

Internal MarketsUelaire may be a naval nation, but we are not a merchant nation. The Dameshead is littered with ships from the merchant lords, but we have little interest in being exploited by these parasites, who ever seek to take advantage of us. We are better off remaining self-sufficient, and developing our lands to the fullest extent: Anything we need, we can create by ourselves.
+10% Production Efficiency

Trust Your OwnUnder no circumstances are our neighbors to be trusted. Even after so many centuries, the halflings still consider us occupiers, and the Black Tower of Vertesk always looms over us, waiting for a single moment of weakness. We have seen how the realms around us deal with promises and loyalty, and we will treat them accordingly. We can trust no one but ourselves.
-0.5 National Unrest
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

The Hymning Storm MaidensWhenever our ships sail to war, the sailors are seen off with songs by the maidens of the storm. These priestesses of Uelos sing hymns to give them the blessing of Uelos, and give them courage for the coming battles and dangers. The skills of the maidens of the storm do not end there, however, as their magical training allows them to influence the tides, the weather, and even the conjuring of massive storms to unleash upon enemy navies. The Uelosi priesthood can only be joined by women, in honor of Uelos’ fallen sister Halanna the Earth Mother, who had saved his life after he was defeated by the gods in the Primordial War.
+10% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium

Lessons from the DamesteethThere is no naval battle in history greater than the battle of the Damesteeth, and our founder Eustace played no small part in it. Such a monumental battle can provide more experience with naval warfare than most gain within a lifetime, so Eustace made sure to write his conclusions down for posterity. His Codex Navius is a compendium of the new tactics that were invented during the battle, and is still the primary resource for all of our captains.
+2 Naval Leader Shock

The Era of the Many StormsOur county was founded on land that was formerly primarily inhabited by halflings. The various halfling kingdoms in the region did not recognize our right to rule, calling us nothing more than invaders. For two centuries, we were forced to prove our right to rule by blood, steel, and fire, as they tried to depose us. They all failed, and Uelaire still stands, and they do not.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Wardens of the StormIn response to an attempt by Vertesk to infiltrate Uelaire through corruption and subterfuge that came perilously close to success, Count Castén I síl Uelaire created the Wardens of the Storm. This organization is tasked with hunting down any corrupting influence within our borders, be it foreign spies or our own self-serving administrators. This is not done through guile or subterfuge: the wardens work out in the open, patrolling the streets armed with tridents and clad in armor decorated with naval iconography. They have complete authority to search any ship or house, and have gained a ruthless reputation from their public trials and executions.
+10% Foreign Spy Detection
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier