Coppertowner Ideas

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-15% Fort Maintenance
+10% Production Efficiency

The Lowest NoblesCoppertown’s "teal-blooded" lords—so-called for their love of malachite jewelry—dominate the upper echelons of the province. Not quite as storied as the royals of Viswall nor as rich as the blue-bloods of Appleton and Pearview, this ambitious class of gentry straddles the line between middle class and aristocracy.
+10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Copper CookwarePots, pans, bowls, and kettles of copper are the hallmark of the finest kitchens. In the Small Country, it’s a big boast of Coppertown that nearly everyone in their lands claims ownership of such cookware—and the velvety jams and sauces they love to parade before guests at event dinners stand as a testament to its culinary superiority.
+20% Improve Relations

Aelcandari CastlewardsThe Aelcandari are a small human ethnic group descending from the Lorentish and Moon Elven garrison of Aelcandar, who settled the region in the latter years of the War of the Sorcerer-King. Initially serving as a military caste for the kings of Viswall, they integrated culturally with the halflings over the centuries. Their mercenary companies have been willing to fight in every major war in the Small Country on the halflings' side at a discount, earning them a reputation as honorary smallfolk.
-10% Mercenary Maintenance
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

Hill of CrooningIn the days when the Small Kings reigned from Barrowshire and even after when they moved to Viswall, the halflings of the Homehills would parade forth to the hill of Crooning in what is now Aelcandar to swear their oaths and be crowned with a bronze circlet embossed with wheat, oak leaves, bees, and fruits. Though all that stands today is circular dais of slate, the hill remains a popular place to stage ceremonies, especially for swearing in officials who work alongside Coppertown’s leaders.
-10% Advisor Cost

Mining for a New EraFor generations Coppertown miners have been digging up the Homehills' rich copper deposits, which sufficed for fulfilling halflings’ metal needs. Their mining activities actually tinted the Middanroy's headwaters a bluish-green color, a stark contrast to the warm bronze and brass hues of the metalworks that loom above. But a relatively recent discovery in Hillwater—coal and lead—is to be the region’s key to prosperity in the new age of industrialization. The river changing from unnaturally blue to unnaturally black is a small price to pay for abandoning archaic alloys and fueling the munitions factories of the future.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

The New Over the OldThe first capital of the Small Kingdom, Barrowshire was home to the old and respectable families who looked down on Coppertown’s ambitions and industry. It took some underhanded maneuvers to see Barrowshire sacked by marauding Lorentish soldiers, leaving Coppertown the premiere power in the duchy. Even with its rebuilding, Barrowshire’s glory days are over—Coppertowners shan’t forget that their continued rise occasionally requires a bit of tarnish on one’s reputation.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Small Country Folklore SocietyAn organization based in Barrowshire devoted to categorizing and recording Halfling folklore and traditional culture. Founded after the Small Country's independence, the S.C.F.S. serves as the central repository of halfling culture and has over the years transformed from an antiquarian gathering of large quantities of folklore to a serious institute. Their research has transformed halflings' rich oral history and folktales into the aspirations and pride of an emerging nation.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

+10% Land Fire Damage