Ordinger Ideas

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+20% Caravan Power
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

Maugun the Unicorn KnightMaugun served as a soldier during the War of the Sorcerer-King, however after his close friend Paol was slain by Castanorian forces, Maugun abandoned his post. Distraught by the loss of his friend he wandered the Redwoods aimlessly until, one day, he encountered the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen: a Unicorn. Imbued with new purpose Maugun set about catching the beast; stalking the Unicorn for a year before he caught it.\n\nBlessed with his new mount, and a refocused purpose, Maugun returned to his home of High Ording. He found it in flames. Without a moment's hesitation Maugun flew toward the besieged town, barely dodging a fireball, thrown his way by a marauding mage. Moving fast so as to avoid a second fireball Maugun sped toward the man, killing him in a single strike. Fortunately, the raiding force was a small one, and with the help of a few volunteers they were easily routed.\n\nIn the following year Maugun fought hard to defend his home. His valiant bravery made him popular with the locals, who coined the name "Maugun the Unicorn Knight", and later he befriended King Rewan Lorentis of Lorent, who granted him the Duchy of Great Ording. In all the centuries since, every Ordinger has aspired to his levels of bravery and devotion — and some even believe that if they can fully match him, a unicorn shall appear unto them as well.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Home of the Ording WorkhorseA working horse with excellent stamina, the Ording Workhorse is common in the western plains of Lencenor, particularly the Northern Flats of its namesake Duchy of Ording. It is renowned for its calm demeanour and steadfast nature.
-10% Construction Cost

Bound to Our WordOur High Lorentish brethren believe in flowery language, hiding uncomfortable truths in grandiose gestures and empty reassurances; we are straight talkers. An Ordinger says what an Ordinger means, and once their word is given, an Ordinger is bound.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Battle of ClearshoreThe invasion of Clearshore was in 850 when the Reavers made landing in Clearshore, seeking to conquer the area for themselves. Once word reached Enteben of this force, Teudur II of Ording marched to their aid. Thinking their shieldwall unbreakable, the Reavers foolishly decided to stand their ground and face our cavalry head on.\n\nThat was a mistake.\n\nOur cavalry shattered their line, their spirit broken underneath the weight of our charge. In the mass rout that followed their leader, Rangvald, the father of Derhilde Reaverqueen, was slain. This would haunt us when his daughter returned to our shores at the head of a great host a decade later.
+15% Shock Damage

Revive the Entebenic SpiritLong ago the Entebenic tribes rode on these plains, their horsemanship was legendary. While their spirit persists to this day it is no longer as prominent as it once was. We must revive this spirit, every man, woman and child in Great Ording must learn to ride!
-20% Cavalry Cost

Unify the FlatsGreat Ording entered the Lilac wars officially in 1412, whilst nominally on the Rose party prior to this our participation had been somewhat lacklustre. In exchange for his aid Duke Creston was offered the land of West Ording, his de-jure territory lost to Deranne during the Second Lilac War.\n\nWhen Deranne surrendered, and it came time for Lorent to make good of this promise, Great Ording was forgotten, and our rightful lands remained under the Derannic. It is time for Great Ording to take matters into their own hands, we must unify the people of the Lorentish flats and make Ording Great again.
-15% Province War Score Cost

From all Walks of LifeIn Great Ording a Noble and a Peasant are closer than they would be in the realms of our High Lorentish Kin, both know hardships, both are looked down upon and both are welcome in our court.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion