North Viswaller Ideas

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+10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Morale of Armies

The Fuschia CommonsThe Fuschia Commons were the northernmost pier of the Rainbow Hall, the palace-bridge of the Kingdom of Viswall. When King Callum síl Vis called on Redfoot and Bluefoot halflings to rise up against their war-weakened masters in 1421, the gathered guild-heads and merchants of Viswall enthusiastically gave the approval of the commons. Alas, Lorent and Gawed put aside their long-standing rivalry to crush the revolt, sacking the city in 1423 and destroying the Rainbow Hall, the last of the royal síl Vis line and their burgher supporters purportedly drowning in the Widderoy as it fell.\n\nThe Fuschia Commons survived, however, and remained in use as a series of assembly rooms for North Viswall’s Gawedi-appointed mayors and their staff. In the years of the Small Country Rebellion, its dark magenta interiors served as the headquarters of the Republican cause: in addition to its continued role as a meeting place, it was where the first constitution for an independent Small Country was drafted and signed by its first representatives.
-15% Reelection Cost

Woadside WarehousesIn preparation for winter, the occupying Gawedi built warehouses in the Woadside District after the city’s sacking to store provisions for the locals as well as for themselves. These warehouses were built in the typical rustic Alenic style: minimal decoration, sturdy brick and wood walls, yet cozy and dry, perfect for keeping the lumber and flour sent here from upstream. Controlling the Woadside District was key to maintaining Gawedi garrisons and, later, Small Country rebel supply trains.
+20% Garrison Size

The Seerslayer’s StrikeAmid the sky-blue-painted buildings Celeste Avenue, Taranath Seerslayer found his target. With Viswall under the iron grip of the Acolyte Mafalda the Mad, the elf had to be resourceful and cunning; emerging from the Elkwood from the north to surprise the unsuspecting Black Castanorians, he used the mayhem from the siege to stealthily enter the city, disguising himself as a Castanorian soldier. With Finnic Shadowhand’s aid, Taranath was able to assassinate Mafalda, liberating the city during the War of the Sorcerer-King. His strike remains taught in Viswaller schools as an example of military cunning.
+1 Leader Siege

Boiled, Mashed, and StewedDue to the cooler climate of the northern Small Country, Bluefoots readily adopted the latest cold-resistant crop from Aelantir: the humble potato. With industry inciting migration into the urban North Viswall from Bluefoot provinces, the city became a hub for novel ways to serve the tuber: fried alongside Exwesser cod as chips or crisps, mashed with a dollop of herb butter, or stewed with other vegetables for a hearty soup. Even with the vegetable’s acceptance elsewhere in Cannor, North Viswall still claims to be the heart of potato cuisine.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

By the BellOne of the earliest examples of Gnomish artificery beyond Nimscodd and Giberd is the Celadon Square Clocktower, affectionately nicknamed "Ol’ Tellum" by North Viswallers. The Gnomish-style tower holds a perpetual motion machine enchanted to never lose power to friction, allowing its cogs and gears to remain on time with minimal upkeep. Those who live within hearing range of its bells live their lives by its hourly tolling; during city sieges and other times of crisis, many find comfort in the unfailing reliability of its chimes.
+25% Innovativeness Gain
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

Waste Not, Want KnottIndustrialization often brought with it issues of sanitation as immigrants flooded into packed urban areas, straining the existing infrastructure—yet not in North Viswall. With his foresight Mayor Odo Knott mandated the creation of a city-wide waste collection agency that paid households and businesses to empty their chamberpots into their waste collection bins. In turn, the collected urine was sold to dyeworks as mordant or to leatherworkers to tan hides; in the case of feces, it was exported to villages just outside the city walls for use as fertilizer. Thanks to Knott’s efforts, North Viswall’s sanitation needs were met while simultaneously funding the expansion of their existing sewage system.
-25% State Maintenance

Vis-à-VyzWith the settlement of Vyzemby mercenaries in the neighborhood of Little Fahvanosy in the aftermath of the Small Country Rebellion, Cannorian halflings wished to know more about their Sarhaly cousins. In the mid-1700s, a gnomeling scholar named Soredoc Naayfoot speculated that the etymological origin for the ‘Vis’ in ‘Viswall’ was connected to the ‘Vyz’ in ‘vyzemby’. With great fervor, he attempted to map out the development of the two languages as well as Gnomish to reconstruct his hypothetical Proto-Halfling tongue. Though it failed to find a definitive connection and lost support among later academics, Soredoc’s work and methodology helped start the field of historical linguistics as well as inspired feelings of kinship between the Cannorian Haflings and the Vyzemby.
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

-10% Construction Cost