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Primary Culture

+15% Movement Speed
+10% Shock Damage

Wolf BreedersWargs, giant wolves, are one of few animals domesticated by orcs. Their ferocity and strength earned them respect in orcish society and they are widely used as mounts. We'd better grow more of these wolves to make sure our army has a sufficient amount of mounts for proper cavalry.
-15% Cavalry Cost

Raiders of EscannOur charge is unstoppable and merciless, we've razed countless cities and villages on our way. We've killed countless warriors and peasants in order to gain resources for the continuation of our great war against all the enemies of Orcdom. And now is the right time to remember old habits. After all we are the most worthy of Dookan's followers.
+10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+25% Looting Speed

Fertile Lands of KhozruganKhozrugan, Green Fields, is a prosperous land, even after devastation we wrought with our invasion. It will allow us to produce enough goods to support our wars against humans.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Advance Guard of KorgusThe tribes of Khozrugan are the bravest and most fearsome of all orcs. After all, when Corin defeated Korgus our tribes were fighting near the borders of Gawed, willing to continue our advance and fight for the glory of our people and our god. Korgus' death hasn't broken our spirit, we are still the strongest of all orcs and nothing will change it. The murder of Korgus has filled us with rage, which can only be satisfied after all of Cannor lies in ruins.
+25% Cavalry Combat Ability

Mozdur Adventuring PartiesAfter the inevitable fall of pathetic human "adventuring parties", Escann and Khozrugan found themselves filled with bunch of weak human mercenary bands. They have nowhere to go - if they return home they will be shamed for their whole life. Furthermore, many of them have just nowhere to return, because their relatives have died long ago. So they have only two choices - return home and be at the bottom of society or remain in Escann and be mercenaries.\nWe care little for their problems, but we can still see the opportunity, hiring them for use as cannon fodder. After all, each orc warrior costs much more than these woeful adventurers may ask.
+25% Mercenary Manpower

Escanni River TradeEscann may not have good roads after the Greentide, but it still has plenty of natural roads - navigable rivers. Using them fully will allow us to increase the trade flowing through our kingdom.
+10% Trade Steering

Our Strength in NumbersWhile Barumand tries to pacify their inner beasts and Grombar attempts to nurture discipline and order amongst their citizens, we just accept who we are. War is in our blood, and each member of our society should be ready to take up arms if necessary. Each orc would prefer to die fighting, instead of acknowledging defeat.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed


