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Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Entrance to the ReachFrom east to west the thick forests of the Greatwoods make troop logistics nigh-impossible. But one can follow the Alen north, to Legion's Clearing and then strike the Reach at its heart. Or could, if not for our mighty shields that will stand in the way.\n\nThe Castan learned that the hard way, gave the Clearing its name as he assembled the Legion II Vertesk, but they broke on walls made of Greatwoods timber. We stand ready to teach it to the Gawedi, if that eagle seeks to spread its wings this far, and will make the wall five feet higher for every insult they send our way. For no matter who threatens the reach, their strength or numbers, the men of Frostwall will stand atop our walls, as immovable as a glacier, in their way.
+20% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

Chillsbay TradersTrade an honest day on the waters of Chillsbay and you'll never drift away.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Purveyors of FurFurs are the largest resource the Reach has to offer and you're sure to see its furs from Venáil to the Serpentspine.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Men of the WatchDoes haughty Gawed invasion threat?\nThen let the fools beware, Sir;\nThere's frozen walls in Frostwall fair,\nAnd every man at guard, Sir:\nThe drake shall wake at Skaldskola,\nAnd the Manse a-tumble down,\n'Ere we permit a\nForeign Foe\nOn Reachman ground to rally!\nWe'll ne'er permit a Foreign Foe\nOn Reachman ground to rally!\n\n-A song by Rabard Burns, taught to almost every man of Frostwall during their mandatory two-year guardsman service and life-long reserve duty.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Three Pronged HeritageThough we are brothers to the Gerudians, the Gawedi, and the Escanni we have developed a culture unique in its own as freemen of the Reach!
+1 Possible Advisors
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Men of the GreatwoodsFew dare to spend much time in the Greatwoods, and even most Reachmen treat them with a healthy dose of caution. For the men of Frostwall, though, the relationship is more one of respect.\n\nWe know the Greatwoods, know the way it feels you are being watched by hidden eyes — and we stare back. We know the way it feels you are being tracked and hunted by a predator, about to pounce — and we hunt them in turn. We have learned the forest's ferocity, and take that lesson to feast on its wildlife and savage any who would face our troops. The fish-eaters of Everwharf would say we are so beholden to the woods, we would not know a wolf from our own grandmother, but that is naught but slander.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Watch of Tomac WoodswallFrostwall did stand strong against the looming Gawedi threat, but it could not stand forever. The Gawedi did not, could not break its walls-but nor did they need to. Instead, an army marched to the Westmoors coast, where they met an Everwharf fleet which ferried them secretly to the Reach. They then struck Frostwall from the rear and seized the city.\n\nBut though Frostwall had fallen, it had not broken. After a period being dominated by Everwharf interests under the Gawedi thumb, as the Alenic Magnates chafed at the king's authority many Frostwallers saw common cause. When the Northern League rose, Frostwall joined it with glee. From its highest building, raised by the ex-Woodsman, Guardman Captain Tomac, it was one of the first in the Reach to fly the League's dark blue flag.\n\nBut the Magnates were greedy creatures, and their factories ever needed more wood to fuel them. Even as the Greatwoods fell to artifice-empowered saws around them Tomac, then Lord-Mayor of Frostwall, refused to let the city's surrounding forests fall. The city suffered for his insolence, but the people thought it was a price worth paying, even giving Tomac the surname Woodswall for his obdurate stubbornness.
-1 National Unrest

+10% Morale of Armies


