Hon Sai

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Hon Sai

Primary Culture

+1 Diplomats
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Rule of the Driven EmperorOur land is the last of the venerable Baihon Xinh, a nation ripped apart by pointless internecine conflict. The last emperor, known posthumously as the Driven Emperor, overheard his sons plotting to shatter his hard-won empire into squabbling statelets. Though he might have loved his children, the mere idea of this disunity was more than he could handle. Mad with rage, he prepared their deaths - yet found he loved them too much to kill them by his own hands. For this deed, he hired an executioner - his first mistake - to kill them all. He failed, and one of the slayers-of-unity fled north, where he prepared the destruction of Baihon Xinh.\n\nUnderstanding the nature of his failure, the Driven Emperor used a lost Khom ritual and killed himself to live as a specter, seeking to dedicate his very existence to saving the empire he so beloved. Even with a forbidden ritual, his efforts fell upon deaf ears as the hated separatists tore his empire apart. It matters not, now, for the Driven Emperor still wanders Halann, rended from his corporeal form, and his presence fills us with the very same stuff he exists from.\n\nVengeance. Endless, rolling, overwhelming, ire.
-10% Core-Creation Cost
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Promoting Southern Kai AlignmentIndeed, when Baihon Xinh met its unjust end, everything seemed to go wrong. The subjugated lands around, tasting opportunity and craving scraps from the corpse, rose at once to join the separatist hosts in battle. For many agonizing weeks, they drew their noose ever tighter around Hon Sai, and it seemed that even the final stand of the empire would prove insufficient. Thanks to some well-placed money and connections, however, a Binhrung army and Sirtani raiders arrived and defended Hon Sai from an immediate invasion from Mo Hoang.\n\nNo debt went unpaid that day. It was only through the friendship of others that the day was saved - and even then far closer than hoped. We must strengthen our ties in advance, lest the wheel of history crush us.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+20% Improve Relations

Way of the KhomThe Khom, inhabitants of Hon Sai, have battle in their bones. It has been this way for centuries untold - for they have had the fighting prowess to keep it that way. The Khom of Hon Sai prefer the use of organized tactics, using their cohesion and drill to win the day.\n\nThough the great spear-hosts this tactic was birthed for are no more, their descendants can make use of them just as well. All commanders, no matter how dark the day may be, can take comfort in a tactic which has been proven absolutely by time itself.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Stations Across the RiverAs anyone with any sense will know, boats and seas are the lifeblood of trade - and always will be. Hon Sai contains a large river that eventually flows into the Bay of Rahen, with gentle flow and a lack of rapids. This convenience is appreciated by merchants, who prefer to take the route through to the realms of Thidinkai and the Lupulan rainforest.\n\nBy creating and maintaining trade stations across the river, we can make sure any merchants wishing to take advantage of the river will need to first pay their dues to us as they go about their way. Who knows? Perhaps the tolls will tempt them to stop in our domain.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

The Giadinh StructureFamily is the most important aspect of life. Without parents, how could one live? Without children, how could we carry on? These are only a few of the many necessities family presents. To make sure it all works, a strict code is necessary: love of parents and siblings, patience for children, and obedience towards your elders. The Khom people have kept this system rigid, going so far as to formalize it.\n\nAn individual lives and dies according to their familial role. This system is rigid and unchanging, and its presence has done Hon Sai much good. By ensuring everyone stays in their rightful place, and performs their rightful duties, the country is far easier to put into order than most.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

The Honorable CovenMany nobles are, unfortunately, petty cravens who obsess over their own well-being. It is very easy to scare a pack of aristocrats off by giving them a crisis that they cannot exploit. Our succession crisis is one such example. Though many had the courage to stay when the traitor pretender broke away, this courage turned out to be nothing but a ruse. As the Driven Emperor killed himself as part of his immortalization, many took it as their sign to leave. Countless nobles, big and small, fled to Mo Hoang, throwing their lot in with him.\n\nThose few who remained, whatever the reason, quickly found out that they had made the correct decision. They were quickly declared the Honorable Coven, and the newly-vacant lands were parceled out to them. By recruiting more of our officials from the Honorable Coven, who would not betray the Driven Emperor even in death, our state's corruption will see a downturn.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Sagas from Ages PastAs with all ghosts, the Driven Emperor existed upon Halann for one reason only; and his was revenge. He sent himself to the grave for the sole chance to slay his sons, claim his vengeance for their betrayal, and restore his empire to what it should have been. As all will attest, he got his way. His sons lie dead, their bones ground to powder and forgotten; his restoration of Baihon Xinh has brought it to peaks never before known. With this done, he left this mortal world as gracefully as he entered it.\n\nBy this point the Driven Emperor was beloved by all Khom people, and countless plays and works of literature based on the stories of his life. Interwoven into all of these is the history and myths of the Khom people, tied inexorably to the former emperor's life. When all marvel at the saga of the Driven Emperor, they marvel at the customs of the Khom!
-1% Prestige Decay

+10% Manpower Recovery Speed


