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Primary Culture

+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Yearly Horde Unity

Trappings of the Divine CallThe manor houses of the Divine Call clan are filled with artefacts and treasures, each and every one hearkening back to the deeds of some great ancestor, and many referring back to their greatest ancestor of all: Harimar, Emperor of Haless, Founder of the Harimari Empire, Learned of the High Gods. His distant descendants put great stock in their lineage and certainly have the evidence to back up their claim.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Submit to the Emperor of YanshenHarimar of the Divine Call dynasty was the first emperor of Yanshen, and his children were so after him. But over the centuries, they lost control to the local eunuch administrators that had been assigned by Harimar to rule at the local scale. And so by 400 AA the Divine Call clan held the title, but it was an empty one. None listened to it and it garnered no respect.\n\nNow, many centuries later, that is changing once more. The harimari of Zongji are once again demanding the eunuchs to bow to the Divine Call dynasty, the emperors of Yanshen.
+10 Vassalization Acceptance
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Among the LocaleOnce the Harimari Empire had grown to encompass all of Haless, its ruling class of harimari split up into several groups, which each assimilated into the local culture to some degree. The Divine Call and many other harimari that stayed in Yanshen became estranged from the majority of harimari who still resided in Rahen. In time this led to a rift between the Rahenraj and the Yanshen portion of the empire, dividing them into two. But it left the Clan of the Divine Call uniquely capable of managing the local populace.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

Revitalized Harimari TraditionsA thousand years after the division of the Harimari Empire, the Clan of the Divine Call had lost most of their harimari traditions. They would suffer from this during the turbulent time following Jaher's assassination and Jaerel's civil war, as they did not retain any of the martial advantage they had been born with. So in 1131 AA, Yatasuo of the Divine Call travelled to Rahen, and would return five years later with a rekindled understanding of their ancient traditions. These are the traditions that they would uphold until the final demise of the dynasty.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Students of Heavenly TemplesLike many other pious students of the High Philosophy, the philosophers and scholars of Zongji are interested in the great temples of the High Gods. However, they maintain a far grander interest than merely that in the teachings left behind - they seek to understand how the temples themselves function.\n\nPerhaps one day they may be able to solve the mystery of how Harimar the Great disappeared from the great temple in Tianlou. Until then, they will continue to marvel at the greatness of the High Gods' engineering.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

JiazuThe Jiazu are the Clan's strong arm, an elite core of warriors made up of the strongest cubs and the most experienced fighters. The young ones are taken apart at a very young age and given rigorous physical training. These elite warriors form the bodyguard of the lord when he enters battle.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Propagandistic InfrastructureIn 1510 AA, Lapeng of the Divine Call, lord of Zongji instituted a great quantity of construction projects in the newly reclaimed lands along the Yan and at the coast to emphasize the restoration of the ancient empire.\n\nHe rebuilt a part of the Golden Highway in lower Yanshen, and established new guard posts and garrisons to provide safe travelling for his subjects. Additionally, he graced every town of moderate size with a new public center for cultural and religious gatherings. The largest was that of Sziangnu, which would featured a total of one hundred rooms of various sizes located around a central courtyard and garden.
-10% Construction Cost


