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Primary Culture

-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-15% General Cost

The Yellow DragonJiangdu, the great River Capital, is the center of Yanshen. In the past, our reach extended over much of the middle Yanhe; our soldiers and warlords marched without impunity or fear, proud to present the power of the Yellow Dragon.\n\nOnly we are worthy and powerful enough to rule Yanshen, as is our right. Those cowards in Tianlou and the snakes of the Yanszin may think differently, but they shall be brought to heel as well.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Best DefenceIt is folly to believe that walls can protect a civilization, that her people will be safe behind stone and wood. Walls can fall and barricades can burn. The people of Jiangdu have always preferred to meet our foes in the field of battle, far separated from unarmed civilians and unrestricted by the barriers that many others would rather cower behind.
+1 Land Leader Shock

HaoshitziThe grandest market in Jiangdu is the Haoshitzi, named after the greatest warlord to ever rule this city, Hao Huang. Situated at one of the major confluences of the Yanhe river, countless merchants and travelers come and go through the market every day, bringing wealth from abroad and taking our goods to lands unknown.
+10% Global Trade Power

Art of WarWritten by the military strategist Lián Zhu in 496 AA, the Art of War is one of the most widely studied military treatise in Haless, detailing tactics, manuevers, formations, and other strategic knowledge. Our generals study this document extensively, ensuring they remain undefeated in battle.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Better to be FearedOnce, we were kind, allowing our subjects to live in peace under our guiding hand, protected by our armies. And those ungrateful whelps betrayed us, slaughtering our warriors and stealing the lands we had rightfully conquered.\n\nNow, we have no need of their 'love' or their appreciation; these are not what holds an empire together. We ask only for their respect - and fear.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

Siege GeneralsIt is inevitable that we will be forced to face intimidating defences, walls capable of holding back endless hordes and traps that can decimate an army without a single arrow being loosed. Therefore, our generals must be ready and educated in siege warfare to ensure that those who cower behind stone will not cower for long.
+1 Leader Siege

JunfachengOne of the most common nicknames for our city is 'Junfacheng', the City of Warlords. It is an apt title - no other land has so many brave leaders thirsty for battle, eager for glory, and inspirational to their soldiers.\n\nWhile others may shy away from combat and the horrors war brings, we relish it, and our warlords are more than willing to live up to our title.
+50% Army Tradition From Battles
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep

+1 Land Leader Fire


