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Primary Culture

-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

The League of YanszinThe League of Yanszin is an organization of the five city-states at the heart of the region: Yanzhong, Guhe, Yangcheng, Anjiang and Yingzhen. Founded in 276 AA, they are bound together for defense against the surrounding warlords.\n\nOther Yansheni nations do not greatly trust them, yet they always seem to manage to get great deals. They have always gotten themselves out of difficult situations, pulling strings behind the scenes to bring about peace with minimal losses or even gains. Most famously, they would play a central role in the conspiracy that led to the murder of Jaher.
+33% Spy Network Construction

The Yangcheng CollegeYangcheng is famous for its university. It produces the largest number of scholars and wisemen of all of Yanshen. Many statesmen also gain their education here, including the eunuchs that serve in the courts of the region. Only Tianlou surpasses Yangcheng in direct connections amongst the eunuch ruling class. Considering all this, it is not surprising that Yangcheng is also ruled by some of the brightest minds in all of Haless.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus

Xuézhe of PhilosophyOne of the three major fields in which the Yangcheng college excels is philosophy. It is there that the Xuézhe (scholars) of philosophy debated for many years and defined some of the major philosophical principles that would be taken by Harimar, to form the very basis of High Philosophy that would spread across his empire. Their teachings and writings lay at the basis of many of the different schools, but they had the greatest influence on the school of the Starry Eye.
-10% Idea Cost

Xuézhe of the ChemicsThe second major field in which the Yangcheng college excels is chemistry. The Xuézhe of this faculty have spent many years researching with different elements, making some discoveries that would not be known in Cannor for many decades yet, such as the discovery of hydrogen gas in 1699 AA during an attempt to improve the Feiten hot-air balloons. They do research in the fields of explosives, medicines, poisons, and many others.\n\nAs a result, Yangcheng assassins, doctors, and generals all have the newest and best to apply in their field, even if it is unreliable at times.
+8% Land Fire Damage
+8% Siege Ability

Yingming AnalysesOne of the reasons that the Yangcheng university is so successful is their methodical approach to experimentation, along with a certain lack of moral boundaries. Anything goes, so long as it is in the name of advancing science. And of course it needs to be properly analysed. The standardised Yingming - meaning smart - method has been relied upon within the university and is applied not only to chemistry but also to cases of law, philosophy, construction and other fields.
+25% Innovativeness Gain
-5% Technology Cost

Xuézhe of LawThe third major field in which the Yangcheng college excels is law. Perhaps to be expected, given how much of the ruling class comes to Yangcheng to learn their trade, it is here that many of the novel policies are developed. It was a Yangcheng-educated eunuch that created Bianfang's legal system, for example.\n\nWith all of this experience, the administrators of Yangcheng have created a system that is hugely complex, but due to their great skill, functions wonderfully.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Fraternal ProtectionWhile independently ruled, Yanzhong and Yangcheng have been brother cities for centuries, with noble families closely intertwined and thus according them very close diplomatic ties. Of course there are mutual benefits. As one of the weaker members of the Yanszin, Yangcheng's interests are protected by Yanzhong. In turn, the Yangcheng send some of their best scholars to aid in the governance of Yanzhong.
+10% Fort Defence

+1 Possible Policies


