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Primary Culture

+33% Foreign Spy Detection
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Beauty of the Precursors"Of all the (ruinborn) elfrealms in Aelantir, none showcases the sublime beauty and elegance of the Precursor Elves in quite the pristine form that can be found in Sarda's inhabitants. The people are charming, indistinguishable in appearance from Moon Elves, the regional climate is warm and clear of the Ruined Sea’s eeriness, their towns and castles are covered in trees and draped by vibrant banners of more colours than a learned man could name, while bounties of exotic crops are seeded in the vast countryside thanks to plows pulled by magnificent antlered beasts."\n\n-Report on the Ynn River and its People, Adrien síl Terr, Cannorian Explorer, 1557
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Kyrrachean DynastiesKyrrachean is the Sarda word for a bouquet of everlasting flowers, and a metaphor that could describe our realms. Sarda people, blessed with hair of all colours of the rainbow, live across lordships and townships each associated to a particular tonality, which is shown in its banners but even more importantly in the clothes and hair of its rulers.\n\nOf Sarda's ruling families, four are the true Kyrrachean Dynasties: the green-haired yen Stantir, the teal-haired Vyrekynn, the blue-haired yen Bacar, and the white-haired yen Stenur. All of these dynasties have earned the title of "Everlasting" through their centuries of history, and it would be a scandal if they were succeeded by someone with the wrong hair colour all of a sudden.\n\nSarda families thus follow an "Authenticity" method of succession, where firstborn sons and daughters of a mismatched hair colour are passed over in favour of the child whose hair shade is most authentic to the colour of their family or community, and if none is available, marriages and adoptions can always be arranged.
+50% Chance of New Heir
+1 Yearly Prestige

Seltac WaystationsThe Ynnic Empire spanned an enormous territory, and it was hard to maintain communication from one end to another. While you could always send a canoe courier if you were in a hurry, this bore the risk of the canoe getting destroyed by a river monster along the route. The Imperial fleet, lacking enemies to strike out against after the Ynnic Empire's unification, was deemed too costly to maintain and the emperors looked for a solution.\n\nThat solution presented itself in 633, when the Champion of the Ynn encountered an enigmatic Sarda known as 'the Striding Man' who spent his days trekking for miles across Sarda. While the tale of him outrunning the Champion's horse is almost certainly an exaggeration, the Champion was nonetheless impressed enough that he vouched for him with the Empress, and the idea of the Selin Prealtac - "Way Outposts", Seltac for short - was born.\n\nThe Ynnic Empire became thus connected through a network of waystations which relayed messages from one end to the other, similar to the Treehouse Striders of Sarda tradition, but augmented by the new steeds Dolindhans brought. As to the Imperial fleet, its vessels would be later repurposed to funerary barges, and they would meet a gradual, dignified end throughout the reign of Emperor Gamelirn the Pious.
-25% Envoy Travel Time
+10% Reinforce Speed

Battle of NizamstoSarda is no stranger to people coveting to invade its lands and despoil its wealth, albeit it is more than ready to fight back, whether immediately on the field of battle or by a long-planned revenge.\n\nAll the same, a great anticipation filled the hearts of our troops when the first expedition of Cannorian raiders headed towards Nizamsto in the summer of 1534, having bypassed the territory of the Inek to march onto Sarda instead, bringing numerous firearms, culverins, and stakes to hinder our cavalry.\n\nThe Sarda had far greater numbers, but the Cannorians remained confident in spite of that, as if they knew the tide would turn to their side, and repelled our initial attacks, even getting some of our own people to defect. The Cannorians readied their rifles and pointed at our lines, as doubt began to seep among our fighters.\n\nAnd then… it rained. One of the strongest rains seen in Sarda downpoured with no warning over the battlefield, sabotaging the mechanisms of the Cannorian guns and sweeping away the stakes. The Sarda, seeing this as a blessing by the Ynn River, were emboldened and charged against the expedition, making short work of them as our cavalry cut them off.
-10% Fire Damage Received

A Cannorian DellNorthern Ynnics came to refer to Sarda as "a Cannorian dell" for the remarkable number of Cannorians moving into and through our lands. A steady influx of Cannorian mercenaries and labourers has been reaching the Ynn since the seventeenth century, and while they did much to improve the Ynn, this didn't stop detractors from seeing them as a source of turmoil, as interlopers who settled the Ynnic tributaries while refusing to acknowledge the Ynn's divinity.\n\nHowever, detractors forget the times when every frontier lord had to watch himself from raiding barbarians, when the only avenues for trade were perilous crossings through the western mountains, when the Ynnic Empire had no allies but itself.
+25% Mercenary Manpower
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

Drop by Drop……Water pierces the stone.\n\nIt takes great care to manage a feudal realm, with its intrigues and intricacies, with every word you pronounce bearing the risk to displease a key vassal or alienate a potential ally. Patience is a great asset, yet excessive carefulness and inaction is by itself a risk. And so our dynasties have carried on, dancing through the unpredictable rains of history, choosing when to risk and when to relent.\n\nWhat we have found is that Cannorian vassals and Ynnic vassals think much alike: they are both easy to anger, they are both fond of their liberties, and they both contain opportunists and genuine believers alike, as well everything in between. Our experience with feudal lords will help us in ruling Cannorian homesteaders, and one day our persistent, yet measured approach will win them over.
-10% Diplomatic Annexation Cost
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

An Offer You Can't RefuseA Sarda noble with braided white hair and azure clothes stepped alongside the chief of the Inek, strolling by the moonlit shores of the Venainé lake, livened up and decorated for the new year celebrations. The Sarda spoke: "I truly applaud your warriors, you have defended these lands for a thousand years now. We have to make something special for you."\n\nThe two arrived at a pleasant spot, surrounded by exotic plants and fine statues, where a group of servants had begun setting a table with abundant portions of game and fruit, painted plates and golden braziers. "You honour me." The chief responded. "There was no need to shower me with even more gifts!"\n\n"The honour is all ours." The Sarda replied, smiling. "I assure you, wealth will keep raining, although perhaps more metaphorically; the new passages will ensure the goods are no longer roughed up. Now, if I may, I do hope you will accept one more." The Sarda bowed, when another Sarda approached with his entourage.\n\nHe was a high priest dressed in celestial robes lined with gold, bearing the sigil of the Temple of Adbrabohvi, and one of his servants brought forth a pillow on top of which was a crown embedded with a Y-shaped royal blue jewel. The high priest spoke.\n\n"King Gelinik II of Posveagal... I wish you a happy 1627!"
+5 Vassalization Acceptance
+5% Trade Efficiency


