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Primary Culture

+1 Missionaries
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

A Holy KingdomThe decadent House of Crodamos failed to live up to their duties in faith. The Crodamos were appointed to lead an independent Kheterata by Khetarch Baqkhet II in a time of upheaval after the death of Phoenix Empress Jexis. Now, with monstrous gnolls and more treacherous elves converging on the Sorrow from all sides, it is clear that they were not up to the task of creating a kingdom worthy of Nirakhet’s children. As the Priesthood of Nirakhet, it is our duty to lead our people as a shepherd does their sheep - towards a new holy kingdom that will cater to the Khets’ desires for all eternity.
-25% Administrative Advisor Cost

Public Works TitheWhile the monuments and structures we create in honor of the Khet are done so through our devotion, devotion alone is not enough to supply our builders with the materials and nourishment needed to keep them working. Indeed, even our own lands cannot always provide everything we need, forcing us to look outwards at times for stone and precious minerals. As such, it is encouraged to tithe at local temples for new building projects. Through their donations, they serve not only the nation but the Khet themselves, as we build grand wonders to furnish their lands even more.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Funerary PriestsThe Divine Mother Nirakhet has given us the strength to triumph over our enemies. The Elikhetist heretics have seen this, and have begun to understand the wisdom in venerating the creator before the son. As such, there has been an influx of the new faithful learning and practicing the sacred rites of her domain, that of death. This has had the morbid but useful effect of our populace becoming complacent with the inevitability of death, creating a stronger willed people who will fight to the end for their homeland.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Unbreakable Bond of FaithNahab’s Defiance, the rebellion which spawned our new kingdom, came about from the alliance of the High Priest Nahab the Defiant, and the Ahati Commander Dajasht the Dashing. Despite being the High Priest of Elikhetism, Nahab had always held a fondness towards the Divine Mother. When his patience with the status quo reached his limit, Nahab embraced Nirakhetism, and forged a temporary alliance with the Aakhetist Ahati against their common enemies. Together, Dajasht and Nahab were like an unbreakable wave sent down the Sorrow; Nahab would scoop up the faithful to increase its strength, while Dajasht washed away any who stood against them.
+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces

A Mortal ParadiseOur marvelous architecture and the lush greenery given life by the Mother’s Sorrow have led to our homeland being described as a mortal paradise. As its inhabitants, one of our key duties is ensuring it stays that way, preserving the beauty that Nirakhet imbued within it for her children. Daily reverence to the Khetarch is satisfied in part by contributing towards the upkeep of one’s property. The pursuit of an aesthetically pleasing estate is no longer seen as a personal endeavor, but a religious one.
-1% Prestige Decay

Regularize RitualsIn the past, foreigners who have come to be under our control have been given the freedom to practice their own local traditions so long as they did not directly oppose the desires of the Khetarch. This lack of fundamentalism was what led to the weakness prompting our rebellion in the first place. From now on, we must ensure that everything is done by the book, to discourage the spread of practices that may lead to sacrilege.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Servant of the KhetarchMany before us have had the honor of serving the Khetarch, whether they have seized it through conquest, or earned the Khetarch’s favor and were thus granted it - but none have ever truly been worthy of the title. The schism between secular and divine leadership has caused only strife, creating what was viewed as a choice between the will of the people and the will of the Khetarch. The will of the Khetarch is the will of the people, for we would surely not exist were it not for their divine protection and grace. We shall do away with this separation. There shall be no King of Kheterata, only the High Priest, the servant of the Khetarch, whose word is just and final.
+15 Maximum Absolutism

+10% Morale of Armies


