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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
-10% Shock Damage Received

A Bridge Between OppositesWhen the Martao and Kelino first arrived in our territory, we thought of them as little more than would-be conquerors whom we would resist like all others. We were wrong. They stormed through our defenses, and our overreliance on our pact with the spirits was without a doubt what made us fail. At first we were scared of what they might do with us; instead the first official delegation sent by the Martao princes was not another retinue of soldiers but rather scholars like us. They tried to sway us day and night, tried to make us see the ‘foolishness’ of our pacts and bonds with the spirits.\n\nIn those days what was born was not a total conversion but rather a syncretism between High Philosophy and our spirit worship. We conceded that their arguments were clear and robust and thus we accepted the majority of them as true, but in their zealotry they overlooked something. We walk hand in hand with the land of spirits, and their so-called ‘high gods’ are nothing but a misinterpretation of the great spirits. We shall teach them as they taught us.\n\Thus, for our brethren we will bring prosperity while protecting our ancient traditions, so that the true masters of the jungle may not be disturbed.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Diligence First And ForemostPetamuya has for a long time been the center of progress beneath the dense canopy of the Lupulan. Knowledge for us is more than a mere commodity or a bargaining chip; it’s a way of life. There is a saying passed down through generations which encapsulates our way of thinking - “Without expecting reward, do work diligently.” This is in essence the nature of our state. We collect knowledge not for some selfish desire to accumulate prestige or influence over the Yanglam, but because the search for knowledge itself and the assured continuation of it, be it thanks to our manuscripts or our words, is a worthy endeavor in itself.
-10% Idea Cost

A Republic Of The Lupulan“Records of our state” Vol.1 The spirits tell of a time not recorded even in our magnificent library, when the Lupulan shuddered just like it does now. In those times of turmoil a lone band of exiles from other tribes, who had refused to take part in the violence, were granted asylum by the local spirits. They took pity on our kin, for they too had been exiled to that part of the jungle; while they never stated the reason for their exile we have pieced together that they, much like our kin, had defied direct orders from superiors.\n\nOn that day an oath was made; never again would they follow in the steps of those who had wronged them. The state of the jungle and its chaos, they reasoned, was due to a lack of foresight from its leaders. Such leaders did not see further than their ambitions, and thus a new way was forged by human and spirit alike. Those in power needed to be kept in check, so that the most promising candidate would be elected, and if they ever showed signs of endangering the whole they would swiftly be replaced.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Masters Of Root And BranchWhen we first were granted asylum in these lands we now call home, the spirits came to us with a proposition. There are still discussions about the reasons for such a proposal, but, whether it was because of pity or sympathy for us one thing is clear. What they offered us was a pact, to be signed between our leader at the time and the elected representative of the spirits, one we gladly signed; the terms of the pacts are all stipulated and archived in the library of Lasubisita.\n\nThe most important clause of the pact states that in exchange for being granted the power to defend both ourselves and our home, and for being able to tamper with the local flora as we wish, every citizen of Petamuya is under the obligation to: defend the land at all costs, avoid obstruction of the spirits will, never use their power irresponsibly and to never willingly teach the secrets of our magic to outsiders. \n\nThe breaking of any term stipulated in the pact may lead to a punishment decided by the representative of the spirits; the true nature of said punishments are unknown to us, but when one of the punished comes back to us, likely because their crime was considered minor, their mind is broken and they have strange scars in their heads. We know not what happens to the rest.
+10% Fort Defence
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

More Than A SymbolBeneath the trunk of a great and ancient tree first planted in Lasubisita when our ancestors created Petamuya, there is a library unlike any other. Built from the earth and roots as we shaped them with our lives, generation through generation, there lies here the combined knowledge of all of Petamuya. Within its halls countless tomes and scrolls are written and archived by human and spirit alike. The correct maintenance of the library is paramount to our state, as it is more than a symbolic location; to us the library is the very soul of our state and the physical representation of the unity between the spirits and ourselves.\n\nWhen the foreign Brenulan expedition first came into our lands they thought that they could destroy the library to make us yield; many of their kin died for their arrogance, as we turned the very land and roots from which the library was created against them. They were slaughtered within its halls as just recompense for their attempted destruction of one of the holiest places in the Lupulan. We do not take pride in the bloodshed, but for our soul no cost is too great, no price too steep.
+2 Possible Advisors

Yanglam Festival Of PetamuyaMost tribes in the Lupulan celebrate their martial prowess, their loyalty to the spirits or their unique arts and crafts. We, on the other hand, like to conduct a variety of debate tournaments to which all may freely enter, be they man or spirit. People who aren’t accustomed to our culture may see it as a clear sign of our fractiousness, but to us, the debates and the exchange of wisdom are what bring us together.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Community of Spirits and HumansWithin the rainforest, the inhabitants of the material and spiritual planes alike constantly interact with each other, be it with compassion or strife. Great manifestations of the earth split the ground beneath, and humans make a village out of that same earth. Tiny, mischievous spirits disguised as leaves arrive, spelling the end of monsoon season, when men know the harvesting season is upon them. Long has this understanding formed between the many beings of the Lupulan; This land is a shared one. Spirits cannot overcome human persistence, and humans can not overpower spiritual energy. No matter if this relationship is celebrated or scorned, everyone under the Great Lizard works in tandem, creating a cycle of life that is challenging, yet much beloved.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

-10% Advisor Cost


