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Primary Culture

+15% Movement Speed
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The FederationIn the olden days, the survivors of Ñawsayachaer’s fragmentation heeded the words of great powerful mages. These mages, five of them in total, collectively lead a small group of survivors to what remained of the old city of Cara Lafquen. Left in ruins, the mages would begin to reconstruct what had previously been, and forge a home for their followers. In time, the five mages, their names lost to time, had their followers encompass the entirety of Lake Chakantu. Thus, the Onisqado Confederation was born, and the many survivors of the disaster became the brothers of the lake, the many Quchamár. \n\nDespite its own separation at the hands of civil war and tremendous storms, the legacy of the Onisqado Confederation lives on in the many who inherited its lands.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Cahplanzá"Lift your spear to the skies, great lord of the Trígica! Praise be to you, who unites the three cities into one. Praise be to you, who splits the lake with the wave of a hand.\nThe spear of our ancestors is passed down onto you. Let the spear that carried liberation show you the path of virtue and justice, and let it guide your hand in matters of rule.\nLet the Cahplanzá, the spear that guided our ruler since the dawn of time, strike our enemies true, and pierce the heavens themselves."\n\n– Trígican ceremony of ascension to the throne
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

The Three StonesOur people tell stories of the Three Brothers - the first ones to unify the loose collection of villages into a functioning state, forming Trígica. We still tell stories of the time they walked on Halann, the oral tradition of our founding passed down from generation to generation. In our capital, the three black monoliths stand as monuments to their existence, and have stood as long as we have lived here - reminding us of the laws set in place so long ago.\n\nEven now, most of our modern day ceremonies take place by the stones - anything from someone earning a military promotion, to a ceremonial wedding, to a new ruler taking the throne. They all swear upon the stones.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

First on the FieldOn almost any field of battle in Amadia, the sight of a Trígican mercenary is an incredibly common one. Though their skills are outstanding, most know them for their reputation as willing to fight any battle. There are many companies of willing fighters in Trígica. The Culefchasi Raiders, the Cócaire Company, and even the Tanafali Spears have all taken up residence within our borders, who will all take up arms for the right cause, and for the right pay. With our contacts, these companies will gladly fight for their homes… as long as we still pay, of course.
-15% Mercenary Cost

Anti-magic SentimentAs the Amadian civil wars raged around Trígica, we watched. When Árapache duelled Udra, the devastation was as widespread as they come when mages fight. Lands were devastated, and many innocents died. With the magic storms came more danger - famine, drought, and further wars just to survive. It is obvious that the threat itself comes from magic, and the users thereof.\n\nWe must regulate its use carefully. No magic shall be used in Trígica without direct oversight by the landed nobility. They, and only they, can be trusted to apply proper oversight to these living weapons. We must also turn outwards - the shamans of our neighbours are even more of a threat to us than the ones in our borders. Our soldiers must be trained and drilled into knowing how to handle magic without fear, and they must be taught to know the dangers of uncontrolled mages.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Port of CargindenCarginden! The port-city of Trígica, where the ports stretch so wide that many live in their boats instead, for lack of houses. A home port for many merchants and travellers, it is a city that many visit, but few stay in. The Carginden tolls are fair and its people are kind, whether you’re sailing up the river or out into the lakes. As one of the first cities that the Cannorian explorers visited when first meeting the Trígica, it became a minor trade hub exporting anything from pearls and clams harvested from the great lake, or damestear and gold harvested from the mountains in the north.
+10% Trade Efficiency

River SingingThe stories brought back from Aelantir by the Cannorian colonies range from the unbelievable to the unbelievably boring, but one that captured many hearts of romantics and playwrights are the river-songs of the Trígica. Adapted many times over in Cannorian theatre, the stories of romantic youths singing to their beloved outside their window with the overprotective family none the wiser grew more and more popular as the colonization efforts of southern Aelantir went on. Even without ever leaving their city, nobility in Cannor would have heard of the "Youngling of Trígica", who ever so carefully wooed the daughter of a colonial governor.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+1 Colonists


