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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+1 Leader Siege

The DwarovkronThe Dwarovkron is the greatest symbol of Dwarven Unity. It is forged of Kronium, a metal artificially created for the crown, with the specific purpose of being the heaviest metal in existence to physically drive home the weight of rule.\n\nAdorning it are the seven great gems of the Dwarovkron: the Citrine of Seghdihr, the Diamond of Arg-Ôrdstun, the Jade of Gronstunad, the Sapphire of Dûr-Vazhatun, the Agate of Ovdal Asra, the Amethyst of Hul-az-Krakazol, and the Ruby of Ovdal Vudi -- more commonly known as Rubyhold. While other gems do appear on the crown, collectively they all fail to compare to the majesty of even a single of these brilliant stones. And each single stone pales before the majesty of the entire crown.
+15% Max Effect of Absolutism

The High King's WarhostsBefore the fall of Aul-Dwarov, her armies were called to banner, or muster, by writ of the High King and the High King alone. Each hold seated on the Amlharaz was to maintain its own standing force to see to the defence of the holds' territories beyond its fortifications, to patrol the Dwarovrod, and to protect the Empire whenever mustered by the High King. When times called for multiple fronts to be fought, the High King would traditionally delegate portions of the armies to either the King of Mithradhûm, the King of Orlazam-az-dihr, or the General-King of Gor Vazumbrog as needed, their loyalty and commitment to the High King being absolute no matter who wore the Dwarovkron.
+5% Discipline
+50% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

Hearth and HoldTo build a hold in the Serpentspine requires three necessities in varying degrees. The first is an abundance of resources -- vast quantities of ores and minerals to both support the construction efforts on site, and to export for trade in order to procure any missing materials. Second is a perceived need for an easily defensible home, but with defences well beyond any normal city. The third is time: A proper hold takes decades of planning once the original settlement is constructed. Sewers, ventilation, residential districts, access tunnels for foot and cart traffic, farms, and more. Then, centuries of slowly chiselling away stone, inch by inch, to merely scratch the surface of what one could consider the art of creating a hold. Although many holds were built throughout history, none were more grand than the ones created by a united Aul-Dwarov.
-20% Development Cost

Udrek's LegacyUdrek the Consolidator was seen as the first High King of Amldihr despite never actually holding the title during his lifetime. Udrek had leveraged his predecessor's burgeoning local hegemony over the nearby holds (earned via clever use of the Serpent's Vale irrigation system) into something more substantial.\n\nWith the threat of the Frost Giants to the north and west, and the Fire Giants to the east, in 18,109 BA Udrek gathered several kings of the Northern Serpentspine: Balgrin IV Asra of Ovdal Asra, Dagzvult "the Cryptic of Verkal Kozenad, and Kogrik II Steelhand of Haraz Orldhum in an effort to secure the safety of the Serpent's Vale, and by extension the prosperity of dwarvenkind. Each king swore fealty to Udrek of Amldihr under specific conditions, such as stable and cheap access to the sale of Serpent's Vale grains, an obligation to defend each hold as if they were their own, and most importantly the predecessor to the elective position of High King -- Crowned Defender of All Dwarvenkind.
+10 Vassalization Acceptance
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Integration of the Caves InitiativeThough the dwarves of past Aul-Dwarov claimed dominion over the caves of the Serpentspine, in truth that grasp was always tenuous. Though there were great cavern holdings like the Diamond Mines of Arg-Ôrdstun, and the Cobalt Mines of Orlghelovar, no true directed effort was ever made to wrest full control of the many caverns adjoining the Dwarovrod.\n\nThis, as we know today, was a grave mistake: contact between holds could be easily severed, and leaving so much of the Serpentspine outside its rule exacerbated the decline of old Aul-Dwarov. By righting this wrong today, we ensure it can never happen again.
+20% Governing Capacity Modifier

The Crafts of All DwarfkindAncient Aul-Dwarov once created wonders the world had never seen before, and after its fall many thought they would never be seen again, as our people had become prisoners in their own domain, or surface exiles who never knew hearth and hold. But Aul-Dwarov has been reforged, and now we can indeed see those ancient wonders and restore them even beyond their prior glory. From the mighty mithril forges of Mithradhûm, to the great rail yards of Er-Natvir and the mighty cannon foundries of Ovdal Kanzad, we shall see the wonders of those who came before us driven to new heights.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+1 Monthly Splendour

Many Holds, One MountainThe Role of the High King is, in a way, emblematic of the archetypal dwarf. He must be resolute in decision-making, the firm rock that shelters Aul-Dwarov from the storm that lay beyond his realm. He must be willing to listen to the advice provided by his lesser kings, showing flexibility and understanding, knowing that his rule was determined by those who used to be his peers. He must carry the weight of rule on his shoulders -- with the Dwarovkron a constant reminder. Above all else, he must rule with wisdom -- for when wisdom is ignored, dwarven unity is broken.\n\nThe greatest example of this is the War of the Bloody Gem, when the Ruby Gem was added to the Dwarovkron without consideration of the Amlharaz or compensation for the slighted holds afterwards, plunging Aul-Dwarov into its bloodiest civil war in millennia. Let us ensure that such a perilous mistake is never made again.
-10% Liberty Desire in Same Continent Subjects

+15% Land Fire Damage


