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Primary Culture

-2 National Unrest
+20% Trade Steering

The High Assembly of Aul-DwarovAmldihr, literally known as the Gates of the Assembly, was where the first ever council of dwarven kings met to broker peace amongst their holds. This tradition later turned into the Assembly, and under Aul-Dwarov, the High Assembly, where all the lesser clans and kings of the Dwarovar could petition and discuss notions of rule with the High King.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
-10% Envoy Travel Time

Birthplace of the Old EmpireAmldihr was where Udrek the Consolidator managed to confederate the existing holds and form an assembly to prevent the wars between dwarves and to let them grow together as one. With the Amlharaz formed, the dwarves of every hold were able to gather together to improve all of the Dwarovar. While many resisted the grasp Amldihr had upon the Empire, they introduced new legal reforms and fought politically to bring favour to their own holds instead of warring upon a unified empire.
-5% Core-Creation Cost
-10% Diplomatic Annexation Cost

Serpent's Vale Terraced FarmingIt is said that much of Amldihr's strength was drawn not from its diplomacy but from its role as the granary of the Dwarovar. All along the Serpent's Vale are carved terraced farms capable of growing and sustaining all manners of foods - which in the past helped grow an empire. Although the holds were able to sustain themselves, the food from the Serpent’s Vale is what allowed them to grow and prosper.
+15% National Supply Limit Modifier
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Paper ClansThe Paper clans were often a shunned type of Old Clan, lacking artisan talent and strong warriors prevalent in other holds, the paper clans still rose to prominence in their roles as pencil-pushers, administrators and bureaucrats that helped Aul-Dwarov function efficiently.
-25% Administrative Advisor Cost

Amldavhad GuardThe Amldavhad, also known as the Shields of the Assembly, were an elite guard consisting of the 'kazalûg' which meant 'clanless ones'. This ensured that the guards responsible for the defence of the assembly were not beholden to clan allegiances and were impartial to the assembly's plots and affairs.
+5% Discipline

Illustrious AncestorsThe reverence of the ancestors is very prominent within Amldihr with the prevalence of statues of the High Kings and many other prominent ancestors especially in the Hall of Ancestors. With the rulership of such great dwarves from the hold, the expectations for their descendants were very high. The need for young dwarves to prove themselves led them to feverishly pursue their own greatness. Inevitably many would fail due both to the difficulty of their goals and to the implacable commitment required to achieve those goals.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Rule with a Kronium GloveA common term amongst the dwarven people, meaning to rule with conscience those who follow you, and to punish with the mightiest blows those who would defy you. It comes from a famous quote from Udrek the Consolidator after uniting the dwarven holds, which was passed down to all High Kings of Aul-Dwarov during their grand coronation.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
-25% Liberty Desire from Subject Development

+1 Yearly Prestige


