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Primary Culture

-10% Core-Creation Cost
+1 Yearly Devotion
+25% Female Advisor Chance

Immarel WinterswrathCornered and driven into desperation by the all-conquering Hibernal Crusade, Gemradcurt fell into political chaos. Were it not for the intervention of the Strutmari Peitar the Winter Court would have been lost, but to the Gemradcurters it was Immarel Winterswrath who saved the realm. Admitted to the Taigan Order and an extraordinarily young age of five, Immarel impressed and soon humbled the high-court druids with her near limitless Wintry magic. Growing up during war with the Autumnal fanatics, Immarel became embittered and resentful, unlike the peaceful patient norm of the Winter Court.\n\nRecognizing her potential, the militarists of Gemradcurt nurtured her rage, and at the age of 11 she had bested the previous Sonad in single combat after becoming frustrated with his inability to combat the Hibernal Crusaders. Immarel and the militarists seized control of the Winter Court, and soon drove out the invaders, ending their advance northward. It is whispered that she had channeled forbidden magic of necromancy, raising shambling corpses to fight, but those rumors are discouraged in the new Winter Court where Immarel reigns supreme.
+10% Shock Damage

Glacial BulwarksThe frigid lands of the Winter Court were home to magnificent fortresses of ice, carved through primordial glaciers and maintained through careful magic. These natural fortifications protected the Snecboth from harm in their icy embrace during the Hibernal Crusade, stalling their advance until Immarel Winterswrath's counterattack. It is said that not even the fiercest of fire could melt the pure blue gleaming ice, much to the dismay of the Autumnal mages who tried with all their magical might to thaw these bastions.
+15% Fort Defence

The Taigan OrderThe Winter Court in Gemradcurt was organized into a myriad of bureaucratic orders, each focusing on one aspect of governance and holy duties. The Taigan Order, dedicated to finding and teaching young women with magical talent, was considered to be of lowly stature prior to Immarel Winterswrath's reforms.\n\nWith her seizure of governance during the Hibernal Crusade, the pacifist Moraine and Tarn Orders, blamed for their inability to defend the Court, were disbanded and their duties transferred to the Taigan Order who now acted in control of Gemradcurt at only Immarel's orders. The traditional course of action, debate among the different Orders, was henceforth unable to check the Sonad's governance.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

CollathDespite the turmoil of the Hibernal Crusade, Gemradcurt and the Winter Court have traditionally followed pacifist tenets, preferring patience and understanding over rash action. Embodying this virtue is the game Collath, a lengthy game of strategy designed to distract from the hardships of Winter and promote camaraderie amongst players.\n\nSaid to have been created by early Eordan settlers wishing to spend time while waiting to return to the Domandrod, it is now customary for Gemradcurt theocrats to engage in a friendly match to calm spirits before entering into debate.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

BoggfishingAlthough the lands were often stark and bare, especially so in the winter, the cold cannot drive all life from the land. Underneath the ice coating the many lakes, streams, and seas life could be found in abundance. The Snecboth rite of passage involves the first ice-fishing trip of an adolescent, often traveling to the seemingly endless Gemradbogg and Murdbogg.\n\nBetween the churning waves of the Randrunnse and the frosty pines of the interior, the lowland swamps host a mix of fresh and saltwater which fertilizes the frigid environment. Fishers carefully traverse the ice looking for a deep pool with connections to streams and sea, and cut holes into the ice where they lure underwater creatures.
-10% Land Attrition
-5% Land Maintenance Modifier

Keepers of the Eigras Gate'While the frozen forests may be labyrinthine to foreign invaders, Eordand is surrounded by the seas that they are familiar with. It is not enough to patrol our lands, for they may strike at any moment, wishing to steal our heirlooms and bespoil Winter's majesty! The Eigras Gate will be guarded: not with walls with archers or fast-striking riders, but with vessels of our own. Gemradcurt will act as the shield of Eordand from these Cannorians, we will close the Eigras Gate with iceberg and warship until they have acknowledged our sovereignty!'\n\n- excerpt from the debate 'On Foreign Policy and Actions Regarding the Eastern Trespassers'
-10% Ship Costs

Heart of WinterIn the waning centuries of Eordan rule in the Randrunnse, Gemradcurt dealt with foreign dignitaries with cold but fair attention. Permitting only their diplomats access, Gemradcurt remained closed to the Cannorian world and enforced this with vigilance and might. All nations, no matter how insignificant or grand, are expected to honor the Winter Court's right of supremacy over the north.\n\nIn exchange, the pleas and requests of the foreigners may be heard and recorded. Preferring to remain neutral in all conflicts, Gemradcurt has become reliable to Cannorian courts for a mediator between conflicts in Northern Aelantir.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+15% Manpower Recovery Speed


