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Primary Culture

+10% Fort Defence
+10% Ship Tradepower Propagation

Moonlit FreedomsBagcatirans have always prided themselves on their representative government, albeit only of the wealthy merchant class. Irregardless of their position in the city hierarchy, Bagcatiran citizens are guaranteed basic rights.\n\nThis was not always so - centuries ago the despotic Peitar regime in Drisleak had conquered most of southwestern Eordand and had oppressed Bagcatir for their worship of Summer. When the conquered peoples rose up against Drisleak and tore it down, the most influential citizens of Bagcatir signed a pact amongst themselves to ensure the safety and newfound influence of their city. Loyalty of the citizens through fair treatment was deemed the proper course of governance, rejecting the oppressive tactics of the past.
-1 National Unrest

Shipboard ListenersThe merchant council of Bagcatir, understanding the power of knowledge, established a spy network across the Eordan trade routes. Being a prominent trading port, Bagcatir contains many sailors that might be down on their luck, therefore ones that can be used as assets. From recruits simply listening and passing on information, to highly trained agents detailing intelligence across the region, Bagcatir gleans knowledge about their rivals and allies from eyes and ears on the seas.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Officer Compensation CommissionThe Elarbarc and Sarmadfar are prowled by fleets of the Caamasi and competitors abroad, all vying for dominance in trade and naval supremacy. Bagcatir does not boast the lands and resources of the Murdkatherians and the Dearktirans: we will always be outnumbered.\n\nBut where we may fall short in, we can make up for in far excess with having the finest officers in the Summer Court. The Officer Compensation Commission promises enticing salaries, pensions, and other benefits for our admiralty. These offers are so enticing that it is not unknown for enemy officers to defect to Bagcatir only days or hours before confrontation strikes.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Southern Elarbarc InitiativeAlthough their original motivations are unclear, the failed expedition of eccentric Bagcatiran merchants to establish a colony in the peninsula south of Eordand has been seized by the council. Eventually settling at Urdoc, the expedition had explored the south and encountered the native Fograc, mostly peacefully trading with the primitive heathens who had turned their backs on the Fey. The failure to establish anything more than this small settlement has not been made public knowledge: in fact, the council has decided to double their efforts to colonize this land to make sure that Bagcatiran capital has not been lost!
+1 Colonists
+25% Native Assimilation

Lunar FestivalsWhile Bagcatir is a proud member of the Summer Court, their methods of worship, ritual, and other traditions are unique to the rest. Summer is a season of great heat: while others revel in this, basking in the sun, the Bagcatirans prefer to stay cool indoors during the day and enjoy life nocturnally. Under the moonlit sky Bagcatir revels with countless lanterns and lights, and many go out on the harbour bay on barges and giant lily pads where they party and worship in the glory of Summer.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Merchant Lord AllianceThe Merchant Lords are independent captains who control their own armadas of ships, partly honest merchants and partly ruthlessly opportunistic raiders. For many years the Caamasi struggled to reign in these freelancers to stop them from stealing their trade, but the Bagcatiran council has made connections with them instead. While they may make their own deals that may hurt our trade, relations with them will allow us to open markets unopened. And for the right price, these Merchant Lords might find themselves helping us, still thinking themselves free.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Honesty and Fairness ActService to the city is a virtue instilled in the many denizens of Bagcatir, practically the point at being law with the Honesty and Fairness Act. The privileged merchant class are required to serve the state by keeping detailed records and reporting to the state of all their transactions and dealings in complete transparency. The merchant council must know of any threats to the city in any way, including threats to the economic stability. None must fear and mistrust in the council, for the council can be trusted to act in the services of all Bagcatirans.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

+10% Global Trade Power


