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Primary Culture

+20% Land Force Limit Modifier
+100% Prestige from Land battles

House of BattleMalacnar traces its roots to the legendary Warrior-King Levodas, who wandered the lawless wilderness with his companions. After Malacnar the village was founded, citizenship was only granted to those deemed worthy of joining the companions. New arrivals were given a good sword, and ordered to hold out for three minutes against the King. Those who survived were welcomed into Malacnar, and the others were slain.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Only the Victors May WeepTo win the land where Malacnar was built, King Levodas and his two closest companions had to challenge the local king, an elf too cowardly to fight his battles who instead sent out his three champions. The battle began disastrously for Levodas, his two companions getting slain immediately. But King Levodas didn't weep, and fought on, slaying the three champions one by one and avenging his companions. And only when the petty local king had submitted his crown and pledged to live the rest of his days as a serf, did King Levodas allow himself the time to weep.
+5% Discipline

Warriors with a CityEverything in Malacnar's society is built around combat, from sparring circles to adventuring bands and mercenaries to the generals, who govern most aspects of political life, to the Battleking himself, leading combat at the front. While those too weak or too cowardly to wield a weapon can choose to live a life of peace and submission, the allure of glory and power granted by wielding a blade ensures that we will never be short on warriors to call.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Famed BattleguardsFrom Arverynn to Vareynn, from Svemel to Adbrabohvi, kings and priests seek to employ the steel-clad Malacnari warriors wielding battleaxes. Originally created as a bodyguard by Empress Zeldja I in 636 after seeing the treacherousness of her own generals, the Malacnar Battleguards grew into a full battalion that could single-handedly win battles.\n\nDuring the Revolt of 1146, when the Imperial army was caught into an ambush led by Malacnari warriors, the Imperial general asked if the Battleguards were going to switch to the other side. "Never." replied the Battleguards' captain "It is bad to pass up the opportunity to fight a fellow Malacnari."
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

A Warrior's Better HalvesNearly equal to our warriors - only their lives are more precious - are our women. It is a Malacnari woman's duty to keep her body fit and her mind sharp, so that she may advise her husband well and educate strong children. In the aftermaths of particularly bloody wars, the Kings of Malacnar would legalize polygamy in order to quickly replenish the city's warrior population, all for the sake of Malacnar of course.
+25% Female Advisor Chance
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Hundred Years' UprisingThe Hundred Years' Uprising was a series of rebellions fought in ancient times between the nascent Kingdom of Vareynn, looking to expand its power and be the sole hegemon of Dolindha, and the warriors of Malacnar who rejected Vareynn's rule time and time again during the fourth and fifth centuries after Flood.\n\nAfter King Vatrevid IV of Malacnar was slain by the King of Vareynn in personal combat, he claimed Malacnar and its surrounding territories as his personal demesne. To this, a companion of the slain King rallied the warriors yet again, saying "When the last Malacnari is slain, then you will rule Malacnar.", and once he was slain his next best companion rose to revolt, and so on and so forth… And while the outcome of the revolt is history, so is the blood we made Vareynn spit.
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

The Best of Them, Tougher than the Rest of ThemMalacnar is the greatest city of them all. Our warriors are the mightiest in all Halann. Nobody is as brave as our kings, not even Verne's. Let the other soft merchant princes and lazy feudal lordlings cower behind their walls, as the poor souls they sent to die in their stead desperately point their guns at us, arms trembling, only to see their shots deflected by the spells of our battlemages and our enchanted armours, as we unflinchingly close the distance and cut them down with our greatswords, maces and battleaxes, knowing we're coming for their employers next.\n\nWe are the champions of the Ynn, and we shall wet its holy banks with the blood of our foes, and when we are done subjugating all people living on the River, we will reach outwards until there are no more lands left to conquer, fighting across the ocean if need be! All shall fear the name of Malacnar!
+100% Power Projection From Insults


