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Primary Culture

+20% Caravan Power
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Together under the SunHumans and gnolls have had a rough relation since the beginning of times, after the humans came back to the lands that they called theirs and found the gnolls already living there they were not very happy, conflicts at Taladzan erupted rapidly with the Surani trying to reclaim their past owned lands and the gnolls defending their new homes, when Jadd missionaries entered the region they found racial conflicts so deeply ingrained that many thought they were beyond repair, even with this the missionaries did not surrender, they mediated land conflicts, organized events for the community, established water sources, and re-established routes to the land gaining the people's trust and after many struggles people started seeing the light in each other allowing for humans and gnolls to coexist.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Bricks GrandmastersThe Taladzani bricks, easy to identify due to their characteristic yellowish color, have been used in many structures around Azka-Sur and Far Salahad, the most famous one being the renovation of the Eduz-Meduru. This is thanks to their strength and durability gained via a rigorous crafting process.\n\nTheir creation starts with the gathering of sand at Xharnax, when enough sand is gathered it is moved all the way to the Ketiraxif kilns where clay is gathered, the mixture is created mixing sand, clay, and lime bought from merchants from the coasts of the Gulf of Rahen and sprayed with water from the Bituzan river, after the mixture is done it is left to dry for four hours in the sun and before the mixture gets to strong it is molded into the desired shape using walls of steel wires bought from the Seghdir dwarves, to finish the process the bricks are fired up to a 1000 celcius grades using the kilns for two days and a half, by the time they are done they have gained their famous yellowish material.\n\nFinally, the bricks are shipped down through the Bituzan River all the way to Azka-Sur, where they are sold to the highest bidder.
-10% Construction Cost

Salt GastronomesSalt is a precious ingredient for preserving and flavoring food; meat, bread, eggs, and many other foods benefit from it. There are no records of how it started, but people in Taladzan tell the story of a young gnoll who, while walking close to the Bituzan River, fell and ate sand, and to his surprise, it tasted surprisingly good.\n\nBut not thanks to the sand, but the salt within it. He gathered sand close to the river and extracted salt from it to flavor food. But to compete with the already established merchants, he tested new things, ranging from dried camel meat to salted oranges. He added salt to everything he could, starting a culinary revolution in favor of using salt because, as the local saying goes, “Everything tastes better with a little bit of salt”.
-10% Idea Cost

Camel HusbandryMany hyenas were brought during the rule of Zokka to Taladzan, and after the conquest of the Jaddari legions, most of them were left without use. This continued until it was discovered that most animals were more compelling with following commands when close to them. One of these animals is the Rubisum, a species of camel known for their aggressive and explosive behavior and their shaggy coat that falls every summer and regrows over time. Thanks to the hyenas, people in Taladzan were able to tame them, leading many gnolls to become ranchers and start camel wool production.
+10% Production Efficiency

Twin Forts of JikarzaxWorries about internal conflicts within the Jadd Empire increased rapidly in Azka-Sur in the decades leading to the Deioderan. After many discussions, the construction of a fortress at the beginning of the Bituzan River started. The construction was left in the hands of a gnoll and a human, Arkez Szal-Jikarzax and Kunnar Szal-Jikarzax, two brothers and military engineers native to the region.\n\nArkez, the older brother, wanted to build the fort at the bottom of the mountain to make it easier to deliver supplies, while Kunnar, the younger brother, wanted to build the fort at the top to make it harder to reach. After many discussions, they agreed to build both, and after seven years of construction, the Twin Forts of Jikarzax were finished. While having the same external structure, the bottom fortress focused on using boiling water and oil to burn their enemies, while the top one used conventional siege weapons to target the enemy siege weapons and bows to shoot the enemy from above.
+20% Fort Defence

Until the Blaze Stops YouThe greatest dangers in Taladzan are not wild creatures nor thieves waiting for valuable cargo to pass, not even mountains filled with rocks that could fall at you at any moment, but the burning flames that attack you all day.\n\nEven with this, a unique tradition flourished within the Taladzan mountains: to dance during the day, to fight against these flames, and to stand strong until your body could not keep up with it. Soon, this spread to all of the region as people competed to show who was the one who could last the longest before collapsing.
-15% Land Attrition

The Saqann NevadThe Saqann Nevad, a title given to the head administrator of Taladzan, meaning the border governor, was not a title given by the Azka-Surian governor but by the people in the region. As Taladzan grew in population, the necessity of a more complex organization became clear. As such, a renowned Azka-Surian administrator was sent to reorganize the region, collect taxes, and do the daily governance of Taladzan. He explored the region with interest, learning about the local traditions and ambitions, soon gaining a deep appreciation for Taladzan.\n\nAs the Deioderan began and the Jadd Empire’s focus shifted east, many regions were left unattended, including Taladzan. The administrator stayed and maintained the region stable until the end of the civil war, earning him the title of Saqann Nevad.
+1 Yearly Prestige


