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Primary Culture

-20% Foreign Core Duration
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Mountain MenThe Gelkar are the descendents of tribal goat herders living in the cliffs and mountains along the Zamatir River gorge. The ruggedness of their desert mountain home has caused them to be tougher than their softer Bulwari cousins living in the decadent cities of the flood plains and the western coast.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Great GoatsThe famed Gelkar mountain goats provide both wool and are used as pack-animals. They allow the Gelkar to traverse the steep mountains and gorges in ways horses and camels never would.
-10% Land Attrition
+8% Movement Speed

Fortified Cliff CitiesThe great cliff cities of the Gelkar cling to the mountains and gorges surrounding the Zamatir River. These impressive fortifications stand guard both against the elements and the monstrous armies of the harpies and goblins.
+30% Fort Defence

Renowned WeaversThe abundance of wool has helped create a thriving weaving guild in the city of Gelkalis that provides some of the world's best woolen goods. Carpets, tapestries, and heavy woolen fabrics travel from isolated mountain cities to courts and palaces all over Halcann.
+10% Caravan Power
+15% Goods Produced Modifier

Groom of the HarpyThe harpies need men to grow their flocks and young, old, high, or low the harpies have preferred the Gelkar since ancient times. This has meant that the Gelkar have had to be looser with their inheritance laws than other nations. It is not uncommon to have a favorite or expected heir disappear and another need to take their place.
+50% Chance of New Heir

Shepherd and SoldierAs a result of nearly being destroyed the people of Gelkalis are ready to take up arms at a moment's notice. All men and even many women are trained in the ways of combat and war regardless of their profession.
+10% Female Advisor Chance
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Paid for in BloodThe Gelkar fought hard and died to secure their mountain home. They know the price of safety is blood. Any would be conqueror should know they are expected to pay the same.
+1.5 Attrition for Enemies

+10% Infantry Combat Ability


