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Primary Culture

-15% Land Attrition
-5% Technology Cost

Waking a Sleeping CultureWhile in decline over the centuries of rule by others, the identity of the Carnetori has not been forgotten. Silent yet dutiful, the druids deep within the forests of the realm have always clung to and upheld these ancient traditions. Now the realm at large remembers those old days, and the knowledge of the druids has led to a new wellspring of culture. Festivals such as the Days of Crossing are set up to commemorate our ancient heroes, songs both bawdy and sombre reminisce of times long past, and even artworks of various stories are being commissioned, such as the now famous work "The Boar and the River", depicting the tale of a boar who meets malign hunters attempting to ensnare a water spirit, and fends them off by refusing to let them cross.
-1% Prestige Decay

Circle of the DeruwrenDeep within the forests and groves of Carneter lies what is known as the Circle of the Deruwren, a collection of various druids from across the realm who have banded together under the leadership of an 'archdruid', one who is recognised as the greatest of the living druids. Though prestigious, the circle only convenes in matters of great or dire need, such as when drought or wildfire hits the land. While they often live in solitude, they generally help those in need, whether commoner or noble, provided they in turn respect the druids’ privacy and their secrets. Sometimes, the archdruid even sends a representative druid to the court of a nearby realm in order to help guide them through catastrophe or trial; though whether the druids have their own motives for intervention is unknown.
-10% Advisor Cost

Attalus CarnetorisA legendary Lenco-Damerian general during an era when Lencori warlords struck at each other with full force, Attalus founded the kingdom of Carneter and his dynasty of Carnetoris through his ferocious might alone. A reckless champion on the battlefield, he often led from the front alongside a small warband of his own guard as he tore his enemies into pieces. Even without his elite, he proved to be formidable; in several battles he was entirely separated from his guard and the rest of the army, but by the end of each, he was left unscathed, coated with the blood of his foes and in his eyes an almost maddening bloodlust.\n His legend inspired countless generations of warriors even after his passing, such as Ancard of the Crossing and Marion the Scarred, each of whom emulated Attalus and received fame of their own. Today, many aspiring warriors seek to prove themselves on the battlefield, carrying axes and shields towards either glory or death.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

An Old Reign RestablishedCarneter’s ambitions over the West Dameshead have always been apparent, but their fortunes have greatly changed since the original Carnetoris dynasty’s end. From the Rubentis who see Carneter as a tool to reclaim their ancestral lands in Lorent or as a hoard to squander in elections to the Damerian throne, to the House síl Eilísin who snared the realm through marriage and saw it as a mere fief, Carneter has been subjected to misery from foreign houses for far too long. A new dynasty named after the first shall be established, and no longer will they let the houses of others dictate for Carneter. The druids of the circle agree: the name Carnetoris must be established again, but only for the greatest of champions who reunite the realm through wit and blood. As it was and as it shall be.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Wood Among AshesThe wood of the Deruwren has long remained the most sought-after wood in Cannor, as many a carpenter will tell you. The characteristic standout carvings of rivers, beasts, and trees shaped by the druids not only make for resplendent displays, but also prove that the wood is picked by the grovemen to be their finest. Many buildings have been built out of these planks across Cannor, earning praise for how well they hold up against even fire due to, as some believe, the protective enchantments the druids provide through their carvings. There are even claims that amidst cataclysmic town fires, everything burned down except for buildings using the wood of the Deruwren. Though some would scoff at the legitimacy of these claims, most still choose to buy the wood rather than seek alternatives.
-10% Construction Cost

Court of SpiritsWhile the people of Carneter worship the Dame and Adean like all others within Cannor, they believe that as the Regent Court rules over the heavens above them, so various 'spirits' inhabit the landscape of this world. Great and small, these spirits reside in the smallest of bushes and the greatest of rivers, all adhering to the strictures of the Regent Court above. Even the deities of other pantheons are, in their eyes, merely those of a lower court, like how a duke compares to a king. While it is not fully clear how this faith came to be, the uncharitable say that the druids themselves crafted this idea of the Court of Spirits to maintain some respect and belief towards the spirits of the forest, once an older religion within Carneter since replaced by the Regent Court. Regardless of how this syncretism occurred, the rulers of the realm have maintained a staunch level of tolerance for those who worship any pantheon of deities, for in doing so they maintain loyalty to the court above.
+25% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

A Groveman's RightsUnlike the rest of Cannor, the relationship between the commoners and their rulers in the realm of Carneter has always been strong, due to the ideals that any honest and fair man can rise to the challenge and be a champion of the realm. This relationship is shown most keenly in the Grovemen, who, in exchange for directly working on the realm’s land, earn their own representation in the councils and courts of the land rather than having their lieges represent them. These Grovemen are able to provide a stalwart and loyal bulwark of supporters in the court against any prying nobility or greedy burghers, ensuring that these groups remain loyal and pliant.\n Indeed, such traditions spread beyond Carneter to its far-flung children, like that of Ancardia in Escann. When the Blackpowder Rebellion struck, Ancardia was the first to rise in the name of liberty and revolution.
+1 Free Policies

+20% Improve Relations


