Count's League

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Count's League

Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
+15% Fort Defence

An Otherworldly DealIn 1424 Korgus Dookanson lead his hordes into Castellyr and devastated the realm. Out of desperation the noble houses of eastern Castellyr banded together in the castle of Oldhaven and made a pact with the hags that had long inhabited the region. In exchange for supporting Oldhaven against the orcish invaders — using illusions to lead orcs in circles as they sought its castles, poisoning their water, and mustering the forests' beasts against the foe — the hags would be granted free reign of the villages should they be reclaimed.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

A League of NoblesAfter the initial onslaught of the Greentide, a number of the remaining noble houses of Castellyr banded together in Oldhaven, forming the Count’s League. For two decades we have cowered behind the walls of Oldhaven, fearful of the orcish attacks, however, now, with the death of Dookanson we are presented with the perfect opportunity: we must rally the nobles of the League and, at long last, expel the orcish occupiers.
+10% Morale of Armies

Friend of LothaneWhen Corin’s Circle came to Oldhaven, Carleon was inspired by Corin and her companions’ conviction to defeat Dookanson and so offered them asylum in Oldhaven, pledging support for their quest to defeat Dookanson. The major nobles of Count's League had long opposed Carleon and so they imprisoned Lothane Bluetusk, accusing him of being an orcish spy. Inevitably Carleon attempted to defend Lothane from these charges and was convicted of treason and sentenced to execution with his 'co-conspirator'.\n\nTo Carleon's great fortune, on the day of his execution, the younger nobility within the league, sick of wasting away in their fortress walls, rallied behind Carleon and revolted against the old leadership, freeing Lothane and installing Carleon as their leader. Neither Lothane nor Carleon soon forgot the days spent in the dungeon of Oldtower, nor the bonds they forged there.
+25% Improve Relations

The House of BlacktowerThe House of Blacktower was founded by Venac the Arrogant, a man famous for killing Munas Moonsinger, ruling the Vertesk Dominion, and his dark deeds as an acolyte of Nichmer the Sorcerer-King. His legacy has long defined that of house Blacktower. Now, however, many see the deeds of Carleon Blacktower as having redeemed the house's dark foundations, and defined for it a new path forwards.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Order of Oldhaven"When the Greentide came, the walls failed, the nations failed, and the knights failed. But we have built new walls. We will reforge our nation. And we will reunite the scattered; honouring the slain with a new knightly order."\n-Carleon Blacktower, 1466\n\nIn 1467 the old knightly orders were revived as the Order of Oldhaven, dedicated to training the new generation of knights and reviving the chivalric traditions of Escann.
+100% Prestige from Land battles

The Wardens of the White WallThe Wardens of the White Walls were founded during the reign of Castan the Realmbuilder for the purpose of maintaining the deteriorating White Walls of Castanor. With the expansion of the White Walls, however, the Wardens became largely redundant and later Castans neglected their role. By the Greentide the Wardens had become a ceremonial order of the Kingdom of Castellyr, primarily maintaining the royal woodlands.\n\nThe Greentide taught us the dangers of neglecting the defences of Castellyr, and so the White Wall, and thus the Wardens, will be restored to their former glory.
-5% Fort Maintenance
+10% Garrison Size

The Land of our AncestorsThe Greentide is over, but it seems our lands' trials are not done? Our onetime allies have become thieves, settling in our rightful lands and claiming them as our own. Their claims are as thin as the paper they are written on, our noble blood remains proof of our right to these lands.
-25% Cost to fabricate claims
-20% Unjustified Demands


