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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Shock Damage

The Eight SchoolsThe Magisterium represents all eight officially accepted schools of magic in Anbennar. Having such a diverse plethora of talented minds means we are never short on potential administrators and advisors.
-15% Advisor Cost
+2 Possible Advisors

Magical Customs ConsortiumAs the controlling body of magic in the Empire, we command considerable power over the trade of magical reagents and items. Let us impose restrictions and fees on their trade to ensure that none can match our own stocks.
+20% National Tax Modifier

Founders of the EmpireIt is well known that it was we who ended the Interregnum and brought peace to Anbennar. Were it not for the meddling of the half-elven lords, we would still rule this Empire and we would gladly do so again. The other princes know this, and take note.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Magocrats' WillAt the end of the day it is power, not law, that rules this land, and mages have the greatest power of them all. Try as they might to deny our ambitions with petty claims and dusty charters, none may truly oppose us when we set our sights on something.
-25% Cost to fabricate claims

Damestear TradeAs the gnomes and other heretics continue to ply the techno-magical heresy of 'artificery' to dangerous results, we must find new ways to maintain our power. Damestear, a volatile but magically potent material, may be the solution we seek...
+10% Production Efficiency

Preserve the ArtifactsEven as we discover new more efficient ways of conducting magic, we must take care to preserve our older magical artifacts, lest the unwashed masses try to glean some of our knowledge from them. Oh, and I suppose we could open a museum and protect our cultural heritage, or something...
-1% Prestige Decay

Put Down the New WarlordsEnough is enough! We can no longer sit idly by under the yoke of oppressive hedge-mage tyrants and their techno-sorcerous ilk. Our predecessors once brought peace to Anbennar by force- it is time for us to do so again. Let the world try and stop us!
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

+5% Discipline


